Believe It or Not, Prozac for PMS

PMS, PMDD, best herbal remedies for menstrual crampsAt first I thought it was a joke, but it's for real.  Prozac is now being touted as the latest greatest thing for PMS and PMDD.  This is the drug used for treatment of depression or obsessive-compulsive behavior.  You know, the happy pill. Sadly,  I've seen lots of people who are not happy, who take this pill.

Straight from Wikipedia (and a few other sources) re-labeling drugs is becoming a common occurrence when a prescription drug  patent is about to expire. The  manufacturer suddenly finds "new uses" for it to stem the post-patent sales decrease.    Eli Lilly's re-branding of Prozac is the latest drug to suddenly find new uses.  This time the "research" (hmm, some research at the University of Birmingham, but couldn't find anything published) says it works for the treatment of PMDD, otherwise known as  Pre-Menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). This is a dramatic form of Premenstrual syndrome.

Not to worry though, because if Prozac helps your PMDD or your PMS you only have, well minimal side-effects.  Here's the short list. 

In clinical studies, the most common side effects Prozac included:
  • Insomnia– in up to 33 percent  of people    (Great I'm dead tired from not sleeping but I'm not anxious. But I do need another drug to help me sleep, what do you recommend?)
  • Nausea — up to 29 percent
  • Weakness — up to 21 percent
  • Headache — up to 21 percent
  • Diarrhea  — up to 18 percent
  • Loss of appetite — up to 17 percent 
  • Drowsiness — up to 17 percent
  • Anxiety— up to 15 percent               (what, I thought it treats anxiety, You mean I could have a 15% chance of having more anxiety?  What's up with that?)
  • Nervousness — up to 14 percent
  • Shakiness (tremor) — up to 13 percent
  • Dry mouth — up to 12 percent 
  • Decreased sex drive — up to 11 percent 
  • Yawning — up to 11 percent
  • Indigestion — up to 10 percent
  • Dizziness — up to 9 percent
  • Sweating — up to 8 percent
  • Impotence- up to 7 percent 
  • Ejaculation problems — up to 7 percent  (probably doesn't apply to females, unless…   does this include failure to orgasm?)
Other common Prozac side effects (that occurred in at least 1 percent of people) include:
  • Flushing (redness of the skin, especially the face)
  • Abnormal dreams
  • Constipation
  • Gas
  • Vomiting
  • Fever or chills
  • Weight loss
  • Vision changes
  • Chest pain
  • High blood pressure/hypertension
  • Increased appetite and weight gain
  • Taste changes
  • Menstrual Problems  (What???  Wait a minute …. I thought you said it's for my menstrual problems??)

Lastly, let's not forget that Prozac, like all anti-depressant drugs, carry the "black box warning"  on the label.  That's the little caveat that says if you commit suicide it's not our fault because we  are telling you this drug may give you suicidal thoughts.   

If you need something for PMS or menstrual cramps and pain, we have a better answer.  You don't have to suffer and you don't have to take a drug with side-effects.  Check out all your options.  Feeling good again can happen, check out a natural alternative used for generations.  We've got it here.


Wikipedia  says:    Eli Lilly's patent on Prozac (fluoxetine) expired in the United States in August 2001, prompting an influx of generic drugs onto the market. Prozac was rebranded "Sarafem" for the treatment of PMDD in an attempt to stem the post-patent decrease in Eli Lilly's sales of fluoxetine.

2000 Year Old Herbal Remedies Found in Greek Shipwreck

Picture a Roman merchant vessel sailing 2000 years ago in the Mediterranean. It’s nearly to it’s destination when a storm blows in, the ship is slammed into rocks near the shore and sinks to the ocean floor. The ship and it’s cargo sits at the bottom of the ocean until just recently when Archeologists excavate it, under water.  Then several years after glass jars holding 2000 year old pills were excavated, analysis  finally reveals their content.  The pills are herbal medicine.  It is believed they were part of a medical kit, assumed to be used by sailors to stay healthy on long voyages.  DNA analysis has now proven several herbs and vegetables were the components of these pills.

But the pills are only part of the story.  A sort of medical chest was found, maybe a physician was on the ship. The archaeologists found a cup used for bleeding, a surgery hook and 136 drug vials made of wood and several tin containers holding flat green tablets.  The herbal pills were sealed and completely dry even though they have been on the sea floor for 2000 years. (That is absolutely mind blowing.)

It took an international authority on medicinal plants of antiquity Alain Touwaide, at the Smithsonian Institution and the Institute for the Preservation of Medical Traditions in Washington, D.C.  to identify the ingredients.  (I didn’t even know we had a Medical Traditions Preservation institute, need to check that out.)

The findings were presented last week at the Fourth International Symposium on Bio-molecular Archaeology in Copenhagen, Denmark.  The herbal remedies were a combination of many plants including  carrot, radish, parsley, celery, wild onion and cabbage, alfalfa, yarrow and some hibiscus were also part of the mix.

“The plants match those described in ancient texts such as those by the ancient Greek physicians Dioscorides and Galen. According to Touwaide,  “Preliminary analysis of these tablets seems to confirm that the ancient doctors used common plants for their treatments.” Whatever they were used for or however they were ingested or used topically it is certainly incredible to have a specimen that is in tact 2000 years later.  

We have always been able to read about herbal remedies in ancient manuscripts but to hold them in our hands and be able to analyze them must be unbelievable.  Finding this ancient herbal medicine reminds us of our reliance on herbs throughout history.  As the saying’s go, history repeats itself and what goes around comes around.

More on this story here:


From Dr. Mercola, Buyer Beware With Herbs and Tea

D. Mercola on the best herbal supplements and Chinese herbsIf you are buying herb supplements, especially Chinese herb supplements, which are virtually unregulated or controlled in America, you must  see what Dr. Mercola has to say.  Many Western countries including Canada, Germany, Japan and Australia have strict regulations regarding who can sell herbal supplements and who can import herbs. But not here in the states.  America is a bit like the wild west.  Anything pretty much goes! 

Don’t get me wrong, government regulation can and does get completely out of control, but we do need some standards of quality assurance.  ‘Consumer labs’ does provide reports on everything thing from Chinese herbs to vitamins and other natural supplements so this is always a good place to check on the brands you purchase. 

We are proud to offer only the highest quality, tested and certified herbal products on the market. Our manufacturer, (see our virtual factory tour here) is known worldwide for it’s pharmaceutical factory processing with state of the art equipment. All Pacific Herb products undergo laboratory assurance tests for potency, pesticide contaminants, and toxicity testing. Do your herbal supplements go through this testing?

.  Dr. Mercola on the importance of knowing where and how your herbs are processed.   The first minute are two he talks about adaptogenic herbs the remainder is about  the importance of herbal processing and quality

Funny and Real, Rantings on “Period” Pain

menstrual cramp relief that works fast is PMS Relief Herb Pac I just love this,  it's an "actual letter", and was PC Magazine's Editors' Choice award-winner for the best letter sent via e-mail from an Austin, Texas woman sent to Proctor and Gamble regarding one of their feminine products. You have to read the whole thing, because it just gets funnier as it goes on.  Period pain, is never something any woman chooses and far too many women suffer needlessly.  We encourage you to check out our natural alternative, PMS Relief.  It really can make a difference!

  Dear Mr. Thatcher,
  I have been a loyal user of your 'Always' maxi pads for over 20 years and I appreciate
  many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core or Dri-Weave absorbency,
  I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer
  clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts.
  But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being
  the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic.
  I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little
  F-16 in my pants.
  Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? I'm guessing you haven't.
  Well, my time of the month is starting right now. As I type, I can already
  feel hormonal forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from
  now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call
  'an inbred hillbilly with knife skills.'
  Isn't the human body amazing?
  As Brand Manager in the Feminine-Hygiene Division, you've no doubt seen quite
  a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customer's monthly visits
  from 'Aunt Flo'. Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping
  we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behavior.
  You surely realize it's a tough time for most women.
  The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling
  with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants… Which brings me to the reason for my letter.
  Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside
  my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi-pad, and there, printed
  on the adhesive backing, were these words: 'Have a Happy Period.' 

  Are you kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny middle-manager
  brain really think happiness – actual smiling, laughing happiness, is possible during
  a menstrual period? Did anything
  mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James? FYI,
  unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak, there will never be anything 'happy'
  about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock
  yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed
  with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory.
  For the love of God, pull your head out, man! If you have to slap a moronic message
  on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent,
  like 'Put down the Hammer' or 'Vehicular Manslaughter is Wrong'.
  Sir, please inform your Accounting Department that, effective immediately, there
  will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take my maxi-pad business
  elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flex-Wings, I will not for one
  minute miss your brand of condescending bull. And that's a promise I will keep.
  Wendi Aarons
  Austin , TX 


Thank you Wendi,  we couldn't have said it any better.  We would love to send you some PMS Relief Herb Pac's, let us know where to send them.  Thanks for making all our days, even days on the rag,  a little brighter.

A Story on The After Birth, How Valuable Is A Human Placenta?

Add some chinese herbs to your placenta and you have a nutritious feast.Ok,  this topic makes some heads turn.  I’m sitting at Starbucks talking about my friend who had her placenta cooked and dried and put into capsules after the birth of her baby.   My Starbucks neighbor started giving me strange looks.  Is it just me or if you’re going to eaves drop, is it polite to then give the person a crazy look?  I would have engage the fellow eaves dropper in a friendly conversation on the subject but he split after he heard this story.

So, here is the story.  In China and other parts of the world, the human placenta is considered a valuable source of  nutrients.  The placenta is that which feeds the baby during pregnancy and is otherwise known as “The After-Birth” because it is expelled from the uterus after a birth.  The first Emperor of China used human placenta with Chinese herbs for health reasons some 2200 years ago and it has been used and documented in various culture every since.  

Granted, most of us are not familiar with this concept and understandably it can turn some people’s stomachs. The topic came about because of this article in a Chinese newspaper about the selling of human placentas at some smaller Chinese hospitals. Of course, this is actually illegal. They have the same laws in China regarding the ownership of the placenta as we do here.  The mother is the legal owner but she usually gives up her right to it and in that case the hospital should dispose of  it as medical waste.   Well, entrepreneurs are everywhere and when opportunity knocks, they answer.  In China  some unscrupulous types were buying placentas cheap at various hospitals and selling them for profit, and apparently business is good, there is both a supply and a demand.

In America, some mothers do return home with their placenta’s in a cooler.  Some bury it in the yard for religious reasons other will have a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist (there really is such a profession) come to their house, cook it with Chinese herbs and pack it into capsules to supplement the new mothers health.

The preparation work and cooking of the placenta is quite a detailed process and should only be attempted by someone who has the proper training and knowledge.  Cooking the placenta with Chinese herbs is said to improve the blood building and is considered a powerful yang tonic.  The placenta is full of natural oxytocins which are responsible for contracting the uterus, enhancing milk supply, increasing energy and the hormones it contains most probably help with postpartum depression.  Historically Chinese Medicine has used human placenta for those who have low energy.

For you expectant mothers, I happen to know Sara Pereira in Los Angeles who is qualified specialist in placenta cooking with Chinese herbs.  You can reach her at, I definitely recommend it!

Another blog on the topic of human placenta, Tom Cruise on Oprah talked about eating Katie’s placenta.

Can A New Diabetes Drug Come From Chinese Herbs?

My friends father has diabetes, you also probably know someone dealing with excess body weight and a lack of exercise that has resulted in diabetes.  The numbers are staggering, something like 21 million people currently have diabetes or pre-diabetes. For some countries that would be the entire population and then some.  Scientist are studying just about ever possible angle to discover new drugs to improve insulin levels for diabetics. This recent research published in the British Journal of Pharmacology studies various Chinese herbs. 

“If repeated in humans, all of these changes would be beneficial for people affected by type 2 diabetes or other metabolic diseases associated with insulin resistance,” says lead author Dr Ying Leng, who works in the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, China.  Many countries have used herbal medicine much longer than America.  When it comes to the use of Chinese herbs and herbal medicine in fact, in both Germany and Japan, herbs and herbal formulas are only prescribed by doctors.  Hmm, why don’t we have this? That’s certainly another blog, back to diabetes.  

“Our work showed that this natural extract from Chinese herbs could point the way to a new way of helping people with type 2 diabetes as well as other metabolic disorders.” says Dr Leng.  There are already many Chinese herb formulas that improve digestion and can help with over eating. Check out Sugar Control Herb Pack here.  

See the study here:

Cinnamon Reduces Blood Sugar for the Overweight and Diabetic

More proof on the healing power of Chinese herbs. This herb is in nearly every American household spice rack and yet most Americans have no idea of its many medical uses.  I’m talking about cinnamon. You sprinkle it on your latte and your apple pie. Now you may want to consider drinking a cup of cinnamon tea. 

This study conducted at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland concluded that cinnamon can help those who are overweight and obese improve their fasting glucose.  This is great news for the millions of Americans who are tipping the scales and have either pre-diabetes or are currently diabetic. 

The herb/spice/botanical comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for generations. It is considered GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by most Western doctors. The study used a cinnamon extract tea (cinnamon boiled in water) for12 weeks and found substantial benefits to the participants in the study who reduced  their risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. (The also found benefits after just 6 weeks.)

But don’t start drinking loads of plain old cinnamon tea if you are looking for the same benefit. There are many different grades of cinnamon and preparation of the bark is central to preserving its natural antioxidant qualities.  Herbalists and Acupuncturists usually use either capsules or granule form.  This is a highly concentrated extract, cooked under a precise temperature for a precise amount of time. Often special equipment is used to capture the volatile oils of the cinnamon bark and reintroduce those oils back into the finished extract. This is essential because cinnamon is extremely aromatic and cooking the bark for too long without proper equipment will leave you with an ineffective tea.

Cinnamon has been recorded as part of Chinese herb formula combinations as far back as 200 AD.  It is in over 45 common formulations and its main purpose is usually to warm the body.  Cinnamon bark and twig may both be used, usually in very small amounts, between 3-9 grams daily. It is not uncommon to use cinnamon for the common cold, to help unblock cold mucus. Cinnamon is not recommended for those with a hot constitution in Traditional Chinese Medicine because of the herbs warming properties. 

Personally, I'm happy to see any Chinese herb get into the Western spotlight because every time a Western medical establishment focuses on a Chinese herb the knowledge gained proves what Asian cultures have been practicing for over two thousand years.  Botanicals are huge sources of natural healing compounds. 

Connect to the study here

Herbal Supplements Can Be Potentially Dangerous, U.S. Study

Chamomile a safe Chinese herb unless grown with pesticidesMercury, lead, and arsenic, oh my!  Seriously folks, what’s in your herbal supplements? Whether they are Chinese herbs or Western herbs or a blend of both you should know.  A perfectly safe herb like chamomile in this picture can be terribly harmful if grown with pesticides.  A government study on contaminants in herbal dietary supplements found lots more than the three dangerous toxins mentioned above.  Gregory Kutz, Managing Director Forensic Audits and Special Investigations in his report given to the U.S. Senate,  “Special Committee on Aging”  in May 2010  (can you believe there is really such a committee), found high amounts of  cadmium, and residues from organichlorine and organophosphorous pesticides. “These contaminants were selected based on prevalence and the likelihood of negative health consequences as a result of consumption.”  Guess what, heavy metals and toxins do cause negative health consequences.              

It all started when the GAO office of the U.S. government  purchased 40 unique single-ingredient herbal supplement products from 40 different manufacturers and submitted them to an accredited laboratory for analysis. The  government survey identified the most commonly used herbs among the elderly as chamomile, echinacea, garlic, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, peppermint, saw palmetto, and St. John’s wort and then purchased these Chinese herb and Western herb products.  As part of their investigation they had the herbs analyzed at independent laboratories.  What’s crazy, is not what the test showed about the supplements but that pesticide residue is not considered by the Food and Drug Administration, to be of regulatory significance.  In other words, your herbal supplements can be contaminated with all kinds of pesticides and still be legally sold in the U.S. for health benefits.

Who’s products do you buy? Do your homework and know whether your supplement manufacturer is testing products for dangerous pesticides and heavy metals like arsenic, lead and mercury.  I, like you, want to know my herbs come from the cleanest possible sources and are not contaminated with chemicals before I ingest them.

A little secret.  Pacific Herbs products are some of the most tested herbs in the industry.  Check out our manufacturer for more information on all the testing they perform before raw herbs can be considered for processing

Natural Sleep Aid Tip for Children, Try Lavender

From time to time I get calls asking if children can take iSleep Herb Pac.  While the herbs in the Pac Herbs product iSleep, are completely safe for children (adjusted to child's weight) on principal alone  I  do not recommend sleep aids for children.  The reason for this, and I am referring to approximate age of 13 and under, is generally speaking children our very healthy and should not have problems sleeping. 

Although it is not uncommon for teens to have sleep disorders usually due to stress, children younger than 10 normally will only have an occasional bad dream that wakes them and falling asleep is completely related to the amount of exercise they have done on any given day.   If your adolescent is having sleep problems, you must figure out the source of the stress that is keeping him or her from a good nights sleep.  Providing a sleep aid pill will only exasperate the problem as they mature.

So what do you do when you are frazzled and tired of your rambunctious eight year old's bedtime getting later and later as a result of long summer days and the lack of a school routine?  Here's a suggestion for young children that is a completely natural sleep aid.

Use lavender essential oil, as little as two drops in a warm bath will relax those little wide eyed monsters and settle their spirits.  If they are not taking a bath the same two drops on their pillow will have a similar effect.    Another possibility,  take one drop of lavender essential oil and rub it in at a spot near the back of each ear lobe, (start at the back of the ear lobe and add two finger widths toward the back of head.) Rub a drop of lavender essential oil in the area to relax.  This spot is used in Chinese medicine and acupuncture to calm the CNS. It's name Anmian,  translated means peaceful sleep.

Lavender is a gentle, safe and effective sleep aid for children (and adults) with no habit forming tendencies.  Except of course, they may become so accustomed to the scent they will not want to fall asleep without it.   Don't worry, it is not terribly expensive.  I am always grateful for a good nights sleep and I been known to carry a small bottle of lavender oil with me when traveling. I love everything about lavender, the name, the color growing in my yard, and especially the smell.  It has a wonderfully calming scent with a gentle action of  soothing nerves, perfect for both children and pregnant women as a natural sleep remedy.


Pac Herbs reserves all rights. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. All material in this article is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise, or other health program.

Women Speak Loud and Clear, They Want and Need PMS Relief

Yesterday, I was talking with a buyer for a large chain health food store who emphatically told me that he has been in the natural products business for 20 years and there has never been a need for a woman’s menstrual pain, cramp and PMS relief product.

For about a full second, and no more than that,  I acknowledged that this individual is highly intelligent and certainly knows much about the natural supplement business.  But, it took no more than a second for my mind to say “Are you crazy?”   Granted he’s not a woman and obviously has not spent enough time around women, and maybe  he’s simply making excuses to get me off his back about adding my products to his store.  Whatever it is, he couldn’t be more  wrong about what women need. 

I went to a woman’s networking event last night with women of all ages.  None of the women I met  knew anything about my products. I  talked with at least 20 different women.  Every single woman who I introduced my product to said, “I need that, or my daughter needs that, or my friend needs that.” My conclusion:  This buyer needs to spend a little time in the real world with real women.

Speak up real women and tell the buyers at your favorite health food stores you need a product like PMS Relief Herb Pack. Watch some of our video testimonials of what real women say about our products.  If you would like a free sample, drop us a email and we will promptly send you a couple packets to try.   You too will be a believer in what Asian cultures have known for centuries.  Herbs are medicine and botanicals in the right combination can eliminate both  PMS and menstrual symptoms such as cramps, bloating, breast tenderness and backaches.  It is possible to have pain free periods.

Tiger Woods May Want to Check Out a Non-Prescription Sleep Aid

I not really much for celebrity gossip but tabloids are reporting Tiger Woods texted his friend Rachel saying “I feel like taking pills is my only alternative” for sleep.  No doubt Tiger has been on the high stress life style for many years.  Fame and fortune do have a price and like millions of people, it’s easy to feel the only way to get a good nights sleep is with the help of a prescription drug.

Would somebody please pass him an  iSleep Herb Pack before he lands in rehab, or pass on an address and I will be happy to send him some.  Poor guy, somebody tell him Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to calm the mind and provide a peaceful, non-addictive way to fall asleep. I  actually feel terrible for anyone who must rely on prescription sleep aids.  It’s a terrible cycle to get into and one that is even harder to break and here is why Tiger should be shining this year.

Fast Facts About Tigers from Jennifer Dubowski, L.Ac.

Are you a Tiger?

You are if you were born in: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, or 1998.

The Tiger symbolizes character traits such as bravery, competitiveness and unpredictability. This courageous and fiery fighter was admired by the ancient Chinese as the zodiac sign that kept away the three main tragedies of a household: fire; thieves; and ghosts. The Tiger has other strong qualities and is: a natural leader; generous, intelligent and always alert. Tigers love to be the center of attention and are very charming, although they have a slight tendency to be selfish. Just as their jungle counterparts rely on instinct, so do individuals born in the Chinese Year of the Tiger. The best jobs for Tigers are those that will lead them towards positions of leadership. Tigers make interesting partners – they are creative, passionate and will never bore their mates. They’re expressive, polite and trustworthy, but watch out. Partners need to have a high energy level and a sense of adventure to keep up with a Tiger.

Celebrities born under the sign of the Tiger include: Emily Bronte, Leonardo DiCaprio, Karl Marx, Marilyn Monroe, Marco Polo and Queen Elizabeth II.

Those individuals born in the Year of the Tiger are compatible with the Chinese astrological signs of Horse, Dog, and Dragons. They are incompatible with Goat and Ox.

Colors are Green, Purple



Supplementing Cancer Treatments with Traditional Chinese Medicine

It seems inevitable that each week I hear of a new cancer diagnosis, from a friend, patient or acquaintance.  What is going on?  Does everyone get some type of cancer just because they are aging?  Cancer seems to have morphed into more a chronic disease today rather than an automatic death sentence, but too many people are catching this bug. Thankfully, we have a plethora of alternative choices to accompany Western medical treatments.   Acupuncture is quickly becoming one of the most readily accepted complementary therapies to relieve the side-effects of very toxic treatments and build back our natural immune systems.

An interesting  survey done on Hong Kong cancer patients studied how they combined Traditional Chinese Medicine  (TCM) with the Western treatment they were undergoing. A colleague of mine Jennifer Dubowsky, L.Ac. had this to say about the study.

Data was collected from almost 800 cancer patients in Hong Kong. Of those, 42.9% used Western medicine practices for cancer treatment exclusively. The remaining 57.1% used at least one form of Chinese Medicine and 5 patients used TCM  exclusively. Interestingly, many of the cancer patients did not tell their doctors that they were using TCM along with the Western treatments. The Chinese patients were not comfortable talking about their preferences, at least with their doctors who are practicing Western medicine. 

 Some of my patients have experienced the same discomfort talking to their Western medical doctors about alternative treatments, but they are becoming fewer and fewer. Today, more physicians are knowledgeable about TCM, many are comfortable and some are actively curious. I believe that patients have led this change and am happy to see us move toward a more integrative approach to health care.

For more information on how Acupuncture can be helpful while undergoing radiation, chemotherapy and other Western treatments check out this post at the NIH  (National Institute of Health – Cancer Institute.