Introducing Menopause Relief Herb Pac – A Natural Alternative to HRT

If you are a woman looking for a natural answer to uncomfortable menopause symptoms you need to know about Menopause Relief Herb Pac.  A natural herbal remedy for menopause symptom relief  that has worked for generations and is now easy and convenient as a tea.

Pac Herbs “Menopause Relief” is a slightly modified version of one of the most popular herbal formulas used around the world.   Originally published in 1114 A.D. called Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan, and also known as Eight Flavor Rehmannia Formula.  It is one of the most renowned classic Chinese herbal formulas used for purging fire (hot flashes/ night sweats) while simultaneously nourishing a woman’s yin energy.

Our highly concentrated granules are produced in accordance with traditional Chinese medicine standards. Simply mix a teaspoon in water and drink as a delicious tasting tea.   There are no known side-effects or adverse reactions associated with this product, nor are there any drug interactions after millions of doses and hundreds of research studies.  Menopause Relief Herb Pac can safely be taken over a long period of time, from several months to over a year.

This combination of herbs has been helpful for women who suffer from hot flashes and night sweats. It may also be beneficial for a diminished libido, urinary infections and chronic sore throats. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is used for those with insufficient liver and kidney yin plus heat signs. 

A  deficiency of yin commonly leads to (an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone) heat such as hot flashes, night sweats and restlessness, warmth in the palms and soles and sore throats. Our formula nourishes both the yin and the yang energies.

Our commitment to sourcing and using the highest quality botanical Chinese herbal extract is our first promise. The processing of raw herbs into concentrated granule extract is done in a modern, state-of-the-art pharmaceutical facility, under the strictest GMP and ISO standards.  Because we use only granules preserved in sealed packets, we do not have capsules or pills which need fillers such as magnesium sterate, artificial colors, binders, salt, sugar, corn, yeast, gluten, gelatin or preservatives, to insure machines don’t clog while filling capsules or making tablets and pills.   Our packets contain only pure herbal extract, nothing else.

Are You Rethinking Menopause, Revisiting Hormones & HRT?

chinese herbs for hot flashes and night sweatsIf your taking them you might be rethinking your decision.   If your not taking them you’re wondering if they could help.  If your dealing with menopause symptoms, you are most likely also dealing with the dilemma of artificial hormones.

The recent news regarding Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is making all women of 45 and older, rethink their options as they consider what to do about hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia and a host of other typical menopause symptoms that can plague women daily.  

Yet the standard of care that we call herd medicine, or medicine for the masses,  can no longer BE the standard of care. Today we must start  with a new emphasis on the importance of treating every woman individually, with decisions about hormone use made strictly on a case-by-case basis. 


If your looking for answers and don’t know what to believe with all the recent studies, check out The Breast Cancer Fund.  This national non-profit organization has the most recently published studies posted in one convenient location. They connect the dots between breast cancer and exposures to chemicals and radiation in our everyday environments. They also offer a host of practical breast cancer prevention strategies.   From limiting BPA’s to minimizing your exposure to toxic chemicals,  their web site is an amazing place to educate yourself.


If you need more education on a natural solution to your menopause symptoms, you can find several articles here. Our solution, Menopause Relief Herb Pack,  is one that has worked for generations of women.  It’s nothing new to any Chinese herbalist and we guarantee it.  Money back if your not satisfied.  You can find it here or ask your local Acupuncturist/herbalist for your best herbs for menopause.

Learn to Unplug and Recharge By Sleeping

“I can’t speak for all women, but I want to get more sleep, says Arianna Huffington, the Co- Founder and Editor-In-Chief of the Huffington Post  a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of twelve books.   Arianna Huffington was a speaker at The Womens Conference 2009 and had this to say about sleep. . .

“The prevailing culture tells us that nothing succeeds like excess, that working 80 hours a week is better than working 70, that being plugged in 24/7 is expected, and that sleeping less and multi-tasking more are an express elevator to the top.”

“I beg to differ.  There is nothing that negatively affects my mood, my productivity, or my effectiveness more than lack of sleep. I’ve had to learn to unplug and recharge. To trade multi-tasking for uni-tasking — and, occasionally — no-tasking. It’s left me healthier, happier, and more able to try to make a positive difference in the world.”

“My eyes have been opened to the value of regularly closing them.”

I couldn’t agree more with Arianna!  Our fast paced, high tech world that never sleeps is creating a world of insomniac’s who wish nothing more than… well a good nights sleep.  Weight gain is blamed on lack of sleep, as is an increase in depression and death, (due to drivers falling asleep behind the wheel).  .

Consider the Nurses’ Health Study conducted by Harvard University found that getting too little sleep is linked to a greater risk of getting breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

If you suffer from a lack of sleep check into natural sleep aids such as iSleep Herb Pack, an all natural sleep aid used in Asian cultures for generations.   Because, a good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures for just about anything that ails you.

Mayo Clinic’s New Book and Thoughts on Disease “PREVENTION”

best natural sleeping aidsThe top 20 health issues are all discussed in the Mayo Clinic’s new book on Alternative Medicine.   The author, Dr. Bauer, details dozens of natural therapies that have worked safely.   Dr. Bauer asserts that “an opportunity has risen that may hold the promise of a new paradigm for better health.”

Firstly:  “The best way to manage an illness is to prevent it from happening in the first place” This is one reason there has been explosive growth in the field of alternative medicine. People are looking for more “natural” or “holistic” ways to maintain good health!!

Secondly:   By combining the best of complementary and conventional health care practices to meet your individual needs, you’ll be practicing integrative medicine.

Sounds simple enough to me!!

Start with reducing stress and get a good nights sleep.  Stanford University recognizes the importance of these two factors.  They are currently recruiting women  for a sleep study, to learn how lack of sleep and too much stress may be linked to breast cancer and breast cancer survival.

You may be surprised that Mayo Clinic now urges you and your doctor to consider yoga, garlic, acupuncture, dietary supplements and other natural therapies. The record is clear. Many of these alternative therapies can help you achieve reduced arthritis pain, healthier coronary arteries, improved diabetes management, better memory function and more.

So find some local fitness classes, get a group of friends together and walk,  go to your local health food store and stock up on quality herbal supplements, there is no excuse. 

Alternative Medicine is “Preventative Health Care” and the new mantra is:

“What’s alternative today will be conventional tomorrow.”


Celebrating John Lennon and His Visits to a Chinese Herbal Medicine Doctor

When John Lennon was shot, the world lost a hero.  If you are like me, you remember where and when you heard this news.  It was a sad day.   In honor of what would have been John's 70th birthday,  I celebrate his brilliance. 

John Lennon was always ahead of his time, even in the 1970's.  John and Yoko visited "a practitioner of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture for spiritual and physical cleansing and healing" acording to an article in the New York Times today.   This news has apparently never before been made public.  The doctor,  originally from Shanghai China was an immigrant and  living with his family in San Mateo, CA.   It was reported that Keith Moon, the drummer for The Who, also came to Dr. Hong for treatments and may have been the liaison that brought John and Yoko to him. 

Years later, it was reported that John sent the family money and saved them from poverty.  Barbara  Hong, the daughter of the Chinese herbal doctor said,  "Lennon liked to joke ..and play his harmonica, and one day he shared a new tune. “He played it on our piano,” Barbara Hong said. “He said, ‘This is a song I’m going to release soon.  It was “Imagine.”

Imagine that happening in your living room.   Thank you John for your vision to see the value in Chinese Medicine  when it wasn't even a licensed health modality in the 1970's.  We wish you were alive to see the state of Acupuncture and herbal medicine today.  I know you would be pleased to see how treatments like what you received  from Dr. Hong are now available from coast to coast and Chinese herbs are on every continent in the world.   Imagine what another 30 years will bring us!


New York Times article here:

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – New York Times Says Prevention Starts with Diet

Breast Cancer awareness month is here and unless you are living in a bubble, you see pink everywhere.  From foods to football, products show their support with pink ribbons plastered on them.  I saw a pink oatmeal container at the market and now Monday night football.  The entire half time show of the Dolphins-Patriots game honored breast cancer survivors with a huge pink ribbon spread across the football field.  I say “great”, but let’s also concentrate on prevention and not just hope for “a cure”. 

This article, written by a guest blogger, originated in the NY Times Science section, and shows that living a healthy life style can actually decrease your cancer risk.  Chinese Herbs have been used for decades to help with diet, digestion and weight loss.  If you struggle with maintaining a normal body weight, consider adding  digestive enzymes and Chinese herbs to your daily routine for proper digestion and restful sleep.  Sleep rejuvenates your body and provides the vital energy that you may otherwise try to compensate for with extra food. 
(See this article on how restorative sleep can improve weight loss)

by Kath Bartlett MS. L.Ac. –  Ashville, NC
Obesity dramatically increases a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer by 50-100%, the risk increasing “the older the woman gets and the longer she remains obese.” (1) The reason being is that the abdominal fat cells convert steroid (fat soluble) hormones to estrogen. In the breasts, the additional estrogen created binds to the breast cells, promoting “cell division and potentially tumor growth.” (2) Cancer cells are abnormal cell growth: the additional cell division cause the tumor growth. Adipose tissue (fat) contains an enzyme, aromatase, that converts steroid hormones into estrogen. After menopause, the ovaries and pituitary gland are no longer signaling for estrogen production through the monthly menstrual cycle. To compensate, the amount of aromatase in the adipose tissue increases to step up estrogen production. Obese women have higher levels of estrogen production taking place in the body fat of the hips and stomach, which increases during menopause, which raises the risk of tumors developing in the breast.

“Glucose [blood sugar] is the preferred substrate for cancer cells. . . [In a study] mice injected with aggressive mammary [breast] tumors were placed on 3 diets. After 70 days 95% of the mice on the low-sugar diet were alive. Of the mice on the moderate-sugar diet 67% were alive. And only 33% on a high-sugar diet were alive. Also ‘moderate’ alcohol consumption is associated with elevation in the risk for breast cancer from 50-100%.” (3)

Phytoestrogens have a chemical structure similar to estrogen. They bind to the receptor sites on the breasts, preventing the body’s estrogen from binding and causing tumor cell growth. The phytoestrogens that bind to the breast cell estrogen receptor sites have a weaker influence on breast cell production, so that it is less likely that tumors will form. Common food sources of phytoestrogens include: soy (tofu, tempeh, miso), flax and raw pumpkin seeds, clover and mung bean sprouts. Avoid powdered soy concentrate, these have caused some to develop Hashimoto’s thyroid disease. (4)

Studies have shown that phytoestrogens increase the effectiveness of breast cancer treatments. Borage oil has shown to decrease the growth of breast cancer cells. (5)

Eating an organic diet, and limiting exposure to chemicals, including household cleaners, detergents, pesticides, food packaging (plastics leach into foods, especially when warm foods are put into plastic containers) is also important to reduce cancer risk. Chemicals and pesticides can change the DNA of cells, causing them to mutate into cancer cells. Studies have shown higher levels of pesticides and pollutants in fat and blood of women with breast cancer than in healthy women.

1-6. Lahans, T. Integrating Conventional and Chinese Medicine in Cancer Care. Elsevier 2007; 92-102.

2 Easy Tips to Reduce Your PMS?

PMS & period cramps made worse with plastic & bisphenol AWant to reduce those monthly period cramps naturally? Here’s why you need to stay away from Bisphenol A.

Bisphenol A is a toxic, endocrine disrupting chemical in our food supply.  Recently an  environmental health group with more than 525,000 members,  decided to sue, yes sue, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over it's stance on Bisphenol A. 

It is not easy or inexpensive to sue the Federal Government so you must have resources and a good cause.    Well, this group has both, and since the FDA did not respond to their initials petition on Bisphenol A,  this citizen group filed a lawsuit asking that  Bisphenol A  be banned from products such as plastic bottles and food can liners.

What is Bisphenol A?   A chemical used for the lining of canned goods and used in the production of plastic water bottles.  Those same plastic water bottles that kids use and that are crowding our land fills/dumps by the millions.   Animal and human studies have linked this chemical to serious health problems including an increased risk for diabetes, obesity, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

When we drink water from plastic bottles or eat canned food this endocrine disrupting chemical leaches into our food and water.  What is an endocrine disruptor?  They are artificial  chemicals  that can mimic or block the effects of natural hormones from certain receptor cites.  For example thyroid hormone which regulates our metabolism may be effected because a receptor cite is blocked.  This is like an underground garage  that blocks your cell phone signal.  No matter how many times you dial, the signal is blocked.  This may cause weight gain, or just a sluggish, low energy feeling.

Endocrine disrupting chemicals can give someone with mild PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) a really bad case of PMS.  

The reason is this, a woman's menstrual cycle requires a delicate balance of hormones to be turned on and turned off during a monthly cycle.   Chemicals like Bisphenol A can interrupt these on/off switches fairly easily causing a woman to have irregular periods, heavy bleeding, missed periods and very painful period cramps.  There is no doubt among the medical community that endocrine disrupting hormones are very hazardous to our health.

If you have difficult menstrual cycles, try limiting your exposure to Bisphenol A.  Stop drinking from all plastic water bottles and do not eat canned foods.  To regulate your menstrual cycle and reduce period cramps, bloating and PMS moodiness take PMS Relief Herb Pac for 3-4 days each month.  Enjoy it as any herbal tea.  

One final note, earlier this year, the FDA said that it officially agreed there might be health concerns over exposure to BPA  and announced a $30 million BPA research program.  Change doesn't come quickly at the FDA so in meantime make the change in your own life, for your own good health.

Good News, HRT and Breast Cancer Decrease, But Hot Flashes Increase

herbs for hot flashes and menopauseA dramatic decrease in use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during the past two years has also coincided with lower breast cancer incidence  according to a new study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.  HRT was the recommended treatment for decades for menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog and vaginal dryness to name a few. 

However, since 2002 when the Womens Health Initiative clinical trial announced an increase risk in breast cancer, stroke and heart attacks due to HRT,  doctors have limited their prescription writing of HRT.  It is fantastic to see a study showing breast cancer diagnosis dropping in the past two years, but many women have such debilitating menopause symptoms they still need something to help them cope.  It's unfortunate more women do not understand the benefits of herbal remedies for menopause, which can provide the comfort they desperatly seek. 

If you don't sleep well, soak through pajamas at night, hot flash during the day and often feel dazed and confused you could add a few Chinese herbs to your diet, by way of a tea.  You will have a decline of symptoms within a few weeks, within one month you will feel significant,  real relief.  But many women want a quick acting pill and that is not how herbal medicine works.  Our bodies  normally slowly enter the peri-menopause stage and then the complete end to menstruation.  Coping with the symptoms that arise from hormonal changes is not easy and it can take a little time to readjust the thermostat of the body.  Our herbal remedy for menopause does work. Our herbs have been written about and used continuously for over 2000 years.  More information about our Menopause Relief Herb Pac coming soon.

As always, thanks for reading our blog.

Study information can be found at:  J Natl Cancer Inst. Published online September 23, 2010.

Jujube, What Makes It Such a Great Sleep Aid?

What is this funny little fruit, known as jujube, and why is it known for promoting a deeper, more restful sleep?  In Chinese herbal medicine it is the seed of the fruit or spiny zizyphus.  Laboratory studies of zizyphus extract have confirmed the sedative effects.  In fact,  the latest research from France concluded the seeds of the fruit are rich in fatty acids and a host of other beneficial compounds which can benefit those who are looking for a natural sleep aid.

Jujube seeds are about the same size as a typical apple seed.  The seeds have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and in other ancient cultures for  hundreds of years.  The seeds are most commonly used for their sedative effects especially common as a sleep aid.    Yet, unlike so many other sedative plants or man made drugs, zizphus is extremely safe.     Drinking zizphus tea has been reported to have no toxicity even in huge doses such as 50 grams per kilogram of body weight, even for 30 consecutive days.

Modern pharmacology evaluation of zizyphus seed oil and zizyphus extract suggest that with prolonged feeding (to mice)  they can reduce serum triglycerides and cholesterol (mainly LDL), and reduce fatty degeneration of the liver. These same properties have also been attributed to the triterpenes of ganoderma and ginseng.  Connect here to articles on ginseng and ganoderma.

Jujube has increasingly become popular as a source of over-the-counter natural sleep aid.  In this just released study, different extracts of the Zizyphus exerted antioxidant activity. Hence, it is possible that the antioxidant activity of Zizyphus might be due to the presence of different vitamins and fatty acids.   The study also showed that Zizyphus decoction (cooked in water) exerted an immmuno-supressive activity.  Jujube is one of the main ingredients in our natural herbal sleep tea. For more information on our iSleep Herb Pac sleep aid click  here.


Wu Shuyun, et al., Effects of zizyphus seed oil and zizyphus extract on decrease of serum lipoprotein and inhibition of platelet aggregation, China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica 1991.

The study quoted can be found at:
Zizyphus lotus L. (Desf.) modulates antioxidant activity and human T-cell proliferation
Authors:  Chahid Benammar1§,2, Aziz Hichami2, Akadiri Yessoufou2, Anne-Marie Simonin2, Meriem
Belarbi1, Hocine Allali 3, and Naim A Khan2

Chinese Herbs May Soon Help Those With Cocaine Addiction

Chinese herbs work for PMS & insomnia, now studied for cocaine addictionThe University of Maryland School of Pharmacy has just  received a prestigious $3.7 million grant to develop a drug which would treat cocaine addiction.   The drug is based on a molecule originally discovered in the extract of Chinese herbs.  Jia Bei Wang Ph.D is a professor of pharmaceutical science and was awarded this grant, the largest ever given by the NIH, National Institute of Health.

Wang and her collaborators from the University’s schools of pharmacy and medicine will develop a drug from a compound called l-tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP), which is the active ingredient in some Chinese herbal medicines. Under the grant, the team also plans to conduct human trials to test the effectiveness of the new drug.  If proven effective, it will be the first drug developed from Chinese herbs and approved in the United States, and possibly anywhere in the world, to treat cocaine addiction.

Congratulations go to Dr. Wang and her team for receiving the grant.  We look forward to the results five years from now.  We’ve always known Chinese herbs can treat a myriad of diseases, from PMS, insomnia, pre-diabetes to alcohol addiction.  Dr. Wang has extensively studied the Chinese research on 1-THP and six months ago she provided IDA with samples produced in China. The agency found it to have a unique profile, says Wang. “Chinese medicine is a big treasure box, which I always had in mind as a possible resource to treat drug addiction,” she says

“Cocaine addiction is a major health concern in both urban and suburban communities and l-THP may be the first effective medication for the treatment of cocaine abuse and addiction approved in this country,” says Natalie D. Eddington, PhD, FAAPS, dean of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. “Dr. Wang’s clinical research is critical and timely, and if successful, it will augment and strengthen the cognitive-behavioral approaches used currently to treat cocaine addiction.


more info here:

President Clinton Loses Weight With the Help of Herbs

Clinton loses weight withthe help of a Chinese herbFormer President Clinton wanted to get into shape for his daughters wedding.  Sounds familiar, what almost every parent hopes to do, but not all can achieve this goal.  So how did he do it?  He changed his eating habits and added herbs!  “It changed my whole metabolism,” Clinton says. “And I lost 24 pounds. And I got back to basically what I weighed in high school.”

In the video below President Clinton talks about changing his diet and the protein drink he makes to start his day.  One of the herbs in the morning protein drink is a famous Chinese herb called He Shou Wu.  This herb has been studied and used since ancient times to increase stamina and rejuvenate the body.  Something clearly worked well for Clinton.   This Chinese herb is also well known for increasing sexual vitality and longevity.  Both men and women can use it for fertility.   If you are interested in adding He Shou Wu  to your protein shake or drinking it as a tea, we provide only the  highest quality herbs and He Shou Wu concentrated granules here at Pac Herbs.

Sleep Tips From The Mayo Clinic, Is Sleeping Now a Luxury?

herbs for sleep Is Sleep a luxury?  As our world has become more modern, more convenient and more well, fast paced sleeping seems to be, more of a luxury than a necessity.  We can take pills to quickly put us to sleep and all kinds of drinks and foods to keep us awake.  We can regulate our bodies for 20 hour work days and 4 hours of rest,  or any combination thereof.   With hundreds of TV stations on 24 hours, movies on demand, internet, anytime, anywhere, there just seems like so many better things to do than sleep.  Even little kids know that it's usually much more fun to stay up late, than to go to bed.

Yes,  but our genetics tell us we need 8-9 hours of sleep every night. Sorry, overriding genetics on this issue will only deteriorate your health.  Here are the  highlights from an eight page report about sleeping well from the Mayo Clinic.  

  • Sleep isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity.
  • Restful sleep is just as important to health as adequate nutrition and exercise.
  • Sleep is necessary to think clearly.
  • Studies have shown that being well rested improves the body’s response to infection.
  • Evidence suggests that brains are hard at work during sleep, possibly forming the pathways necessary for learning, making new memories and insights, and coming up with creative solutions to problems.
  • Inadequate sleep is linked to depression and irritability as well as diabetes, weight problems and cravings for high-calorie, high-carbohydrate foods.
  • Sleep problems often can be treated, sleep aids can be both behavioral and medications.
  • In fact, sleep problems often can be traced to treatable health issues. Examples include poor pain control, frequent nighttime urination, or illnesses that cause coughing or shortness of breath.
  • Insomnia and depression often go hand in hand: Many people develop insomnia prior to being depressed. Studies show that unresolved insomnia increases the risk of depression. It’s not clear if one causes the other, but each can worsen if untreated.
  • Antidepressants may have stimulating properties and make insomnia worse. Prescription sleep aids are designed for short term use.

We believe in natural sleep aids here at Pac Herbs.  Our iSleep Herb Pac will help you rest and feel rejuvenated the next day. Get the sleep your body needs to stay healthy, because sleeping is not just a luxury but a necessity for wellness.  Checkout our all natural iSleep Herb Pac, an herbal formula used in Asian cultures for thousands of years.