Ambien Side Effects Same With Intermezzo Sleep Aid

FDA just approved a sublingual Ambien for “insomnia in the middle of the night followed by difficulty returning to sleep”

It has taken a few years, but the FDA has now approved Intermezzo, a low dose drug with the same active ingredient as Ambien.  Zolpidem tartrate will now be in a sub-lingual tablet form rather than the sleeping pill, Ambien. 

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, said Shakespeare and in this case Intermezzo is still Ambien and the side-effects are the same. 

For people who have difficulty staying asleep and can’t fall back to sleep we recommend an herbal sleep aid that has been used for centuries, safely.

If you are looking for completely safe and natural herbal sleep aids that can be taken in the middle of the night and works without side-effects you owe it to yourself to try Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.  The herbs in our iSleep Herb Pack have been used safely and effectively for hundreds of years and clinically tested on thousands of patients worldwide.

Sleeping pills have serious side effects and this issue has been raised by the FDA regarding Intermezzo. In fact, the FDA told manufacturer of the drug, Trancept previously that it was concerned about patients being too impaired to drive the day after use.  Their answer was a revision of the warning label,  “patients should have at least 4 hours of bedtime remaining”.  The common side effects listed for this sleeping pill including headache, nausea and fatigue.  As with Ambien and other prescription sleeping aids,  Intermezzo can cause a person to get out of bed while not fully awake and do an activity that you do not know you are doing. Reported activities while under the influence of sleep medicines have included driving a car, making and eating food, having sex, talking on the phone, and sleep walking, without knowing at the time or remembering later. Chances of such adverse activity is increased if a person has consumed alcohol or taken other medicines that make them feel sleepy.

Herbal sleep aids have no side-effects. If you’ve tried Chamomile and Valerian and they haven’t worked for you, try out iSleep Herb Pack.  It does not contain valerian or chamomile rather a combination of herbs that has worked for billions Chinese for over 800 years. 








5 Reason To Learn About Chinese Herbs

1. Chinese Herbal Medicine is Used by One Third of Earth’s Population

Chinese herbs help you sleep, are a menopause treatment and make a great energy drink

Are you part of the 33%?  If you use Chinese herbs to help you sleep, give you energy or just provide you with relief from menopause hot flashes and night sweats, you should know you  are part of the growing world wide explosion of use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).   As populations increase more and more people worldwide are looking to the medicine they know their grandparents trusted and depended upon.

2. Herbs Are Synergistic; They Work With Our Immune System.

Some herbs, like ginseng are adaptogens others are immune-stimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-oxidant.  Herbs used in combinations or formulas can improve our total immune system.  There is not a single prescription drug can do that.  

3. Herbal Formulas Have Been Studied and Tested

Imagine how much more enjoyable life would be if you simply had more energy, a clearer head and a relaxed body. Look at the thousands of studies on  that have been done on plant based medicine to prove time tested results are more than coincidence for insomnia, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, menstrual irregularities, migraines, the list is endless.

4. Traditional Chinese Herbal Formulas Have Been Used Continuously For Over 1000 Years.

Herbal Medicine is currently the main medicine for over 33% of the world’s population and has a long established record of effectiveness.  Chinese herbal medicine has written documentation going back to 200 AD. Asian cultures have used this plant-based medicine or medicinal herbs for thousands of years and have an inherent understanding of their healing qualities. In fact, many Chinese dishes are made with herbs for medicinal value because food is also medicine.

5. Herbs Match Our Biochemistry

Our biochemistry has evolved over millions of years with plants as our main source of food, so we are naturally compatible with medicinal herbs. Herbal medicines  inherently have the same chemical structures that built your body in the first place.  Allkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins and more are all found in natural plants. These are the chemical structures your body needs to repair itself.

Bonus Reason:  Compared to Prescriptions, Herbs are a bargain

Herbal supplements are the best investment you can make in yourself. They are far less expensive than prescription medication and their greatest savings comes from the prevention of long term illness. The western standard for disease- if you’re not sick, you’re healthy – should not be the measurement of one’s health.


OTC Tylenol Dosage Lowered to Prevent Liver Damage

If you use Tylenol for PMS Relief , menstrual cramps, backaches. headaches or any other pain you need to know why Tylenol maker Johnson & Johnson such lowered the maximum recommended dosage.   You should rethink why how much you use and how often. 

Just because Tylenol is over-the-counter does not necessarily mean it’s safe.

In an effort to reduce the risk of liver damage resulting from overuse of acetaminophen — the active ingredient in Tylenol — the drug maker’s McNeil division will soon cap the product’s daily dose recommendation at 3,000 milligrams (a total of six 500-milligram pills a day) instead of the current 4,000 (eight pills a day).


Some experts say they also worry about overuse of other medications that consumers can purchase off pharmacy shelves without a prescription, such as the pain reliever ibuprofen, Theraflu for colds, and the antihistamine Benadryl.

“It’s important for the public to realize all drugs have side effects. It doesn’t matter if they’re prescription, over-the-counter, herbals or nutritional supplements. If they have active ingredients, they have side effects and can interfere with normal body functions,” says Brian Strom, director of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

He says Tylenol is an “extraordinarily” safe drug at proper doses, even though its overuse is a leading cause for liver transplants in patients with acute liver failure. But, he says, “It has a narrow therapeutic ratio. The toxic dose and the therapeutic dose are very close.”

Commonly used over-the-counter medications may carry risks, say experts.

Acetaminophen (Extra Strength Tylenol). For headaches, joint and muscle pain, fever.
Overuse risks: Liver damage or failure. May cause liver problems at lower doses in alcohol users, or in those who take other drugs containing acetaminophen.

Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Reduces pain and swelling related to arthritis. Relieves headache, fever, menstrual cramps.
Overuse risks: Gastrointestinal pain, bleeding. Kidney damage.

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), antihistamine used to prevent, reduce hayfever and other allergy symptoms.
Overuse risks: Memory loss and disorientation, especially in elderly. Drowsiness, dryness.

Loratadine (Claritin), antihistimine used to relieve hayfever, other allergy symptoms.
Overuse risks: Sleepiness, fast heart rate. May lose effectiveness over time. Claritin-D includes an additional active ingredient, pseudoephedrine sulfate, which may cause insomnia or restlessness. Pseudoephedrine should not to be taken with certain medications for Parkinsons, depression, psychiatric or other emotional conditions.

Dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant, and Doxylamine succinate, an antihistamine (NyQuil Cough).
Overuse risks: Can cause drowsiness, especially when mixed with sleeping medications and alcohol. Not to be taken with certain medications for Parkinsons, depression, psychiatric or other emotional conditions.

Ranitidine (Zantac), an acid reducer, treats ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Overuse risks: May lose effectiveness over time. Long-term acid suppressor use could lead to poor absorption of some forms of calcium.

For menstrual cramps and period pain try our PMS Relief Herb Pack.  We guarantee pain relief in 30 minutes or less.  It’s also great for the irritability and moodiness that often accompany your monthly menstrual cycle.

Sources: Brian Strom, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania; Winston Parris, Duke University Medical Center; Lisa McDevitt, Tufts Medical Center; Sarah Anderson, University of Colorado School of Pharmacy; Ausim Azizi, Temple University School of Medicine.




For more information on OTC pain killers see my Huff post article:  Pain Relief without Pain Killers

Sleep is Hard Work, Sheding Light on Natural Sleep Aids

You have the best pillows, mattress and sheets and yet still can’t sleep.  You invest in a quiet room with the right temperature and room darkening shades. Still sleep alludes you. You investigate the sleep aids on the market, the choices are endless.  melatonin, chamomile tea, prescription sleep aids, no luck.  Why has something as natural as sleeping become so expensive and such hard work?    

Are we the first generation to experience sleeplessness. or does mankind have a history of insomnia?

One Third of Our Lives are Spent in Bed

Sleep is vital to our health. It’s the time our body repairs and rejuvenates itself.  Falling asleep or “crashing” at the end of a busy day is not the problem for many of us. It’s sustaining that sleep, getting a deep, restful sleep.

Tossing & Turning                                         

More often than not, millions of us can’t stay asleep. Tossing and turning is old school. Today there is so much to entertain us through the wee hours of the morning  We check emails on our phones, shop on line, watch movies,  text our friends who are also not sleeping and hang out on facebook with other insomniacs.  You’ve heard about relaxation techniques, stretching before bed and staying away from caffeine in the evening. Eight hours of straight sleep is still a pipe dream for so many.  

Sleep in a Pill

The standard American indoctrination is better sleep through chemistry.   The pharmaceuticals knock us out like a bulldozer.  Even half a sleeping pill can often do the trick. Who cares if we sleep walk, eat or even have intercourse while we are drugged to sleep.  We don’t need to remember, we slept and that’s all that really matters, isn’t it?

The history of insomnia may be able to teach us something.  Knowing that history repeats itself I ask, what did our ancestors do when they couldn’t sleep?  Certainly they had stressors that kept them awake at night.  Whether it was staying safe from wild animals, worrying about the next harvest, taking care of their families or dealing with life threatening plagues, every generation of mankind has experienced sleepless nights.  I’m certain our ancestors probably laid awake thinking and ruminating, playing the same type of scenarios in their minds that we do today.  They, too, fell asleep the second their work day was over only to find at three o’clock they stared off into the night, wide awake but without wifi to entertain themselves.

Have we forgotten the drugs of today began as plants?

Our forefathers had their own version of pharmaceuticals.  The all came from Mother Nature.  For thousands of years all drugs came from plants, animals and minerals found in nature.  It’s only been a snippet in time that pharmaceuticals, synthetic sleep aids in the form of bottles of chemicals have become mainstream.  As history repeats itself, the knowledge of our ancestors is revisited.  The ancients knew what plants could help the restless mind.  A small seed called zizyphus jujube is one such sleep aid.  Traditional Chinese Medicine has used this seed to calm the anxious mind and provide help with night sweats.  Modern chemistry shows this tiny seed has natural sedative properties.

Maybe you are not familiar with this Chinese herb. Chinese medicine has NOT been the predominant form of medicine in the U.S. for the past 200 years but this does not negate the fact that over a billion people on the earth depend on this medicine  and have for centuries.  The hundreds of years of continual use of Chinese herbs as sleeping aids give it both a safety and success record unmatched by other sleep remedies.

Chinese herbal medicine perfected herbal formulas through thousands of years of use.  The same formulas are still used today and they are still effective.  Not as a single ingredient extract, because nature never intended for us to use just one small chemical in any plant.  Plants are complicated and contain many chemicals.   Removing  one nutrient or chemical  from a plant is not what nature intended.  Our bodies recognize plant chemicals and have for millions of years, when we use them whole.

Chinese herbal medicine has a rich history throughout Asia and has been embraced in the 21st century by the governments of China, Taiwan, Japan and others.  By “embraced”  I mean these governments include Traditional Chinese herbs and herbal formulas in their national insurance coverage.  Imagine, botanicals covered by insurance without receiving a patent.  Now that’s a crazy thought.  Yet it’s happening now for over a billion people on the planet.

Two caveats to keep in mind.  I’m the first to admit that plenty of herbal products are not worth the bottle they are packaged in.  So please, do your research on the manufacturer and only buy from those who test their herbs for contaminants. Stay clear of companies who are not transparent about who makes their products or where their raw ingredients are sourced. There are plenty of unscrupulous companies to choose from, remember “Buyer Beware”.

 Choose products that do not contain synthetic chemicals. Science does not build a better mousetrap or sleep aid.  Many of the supplements people are popping today are never fully used in the body and simply get excreted.  Our bodies function best with whole foods and whole herbs containing all the phyto-nutrients are bodies have recognized for millions of years. Look for natural ingredients that contain plant names, not chemical derivatives synthetically made that our bodies won’t recognize. 

Our ancestors found herbs to help them sleep and then perfected the use of mixing certain botanicals together. We don’t need to recreate the wheel now, we just need to know how to use it.


Million and millions of tons of zizphus jujube seed and other Chinese herbs are harvested and sold each year.  Millions of people don’t use a pill in a bottle, they use botanical sleep aids. They use formulas of herbs from their grandparents, and great, great grandparents.  Tried and true formulations passed down.  It has been said, “It takes an endless amount of history to make even a little tradition.”  – Henry James.


Calm Down Your Liver and Sleep Better is The Chinese Medicine Way

 I enjoyed this article from China Daily and thought it contained enough common sense to help with a good nights sleep. Sometimes we overlook the simple answers to healthy sleep habits. . So here it is.

Since one third of our lives are spent in bed, it is hard to overlook the significance of sleep.

Tips to improve sleep, from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theories to clinical practices, can therefore benefit your life.

TCM practitioners believe that spring and the liver have the same property of "mu" (wood), thus the liver tends to be over-active, making people touchy.

The stomach and spleens have the "tu" (earth) property and is the opposite of "mu". If the opposition between these two properties becomes too strong, people will feel uncomfortable.

"Obviously, being angry and uncomfortable makes it hard to fall into sleep," says Dr Li Haicong, director of the Office of Geriatrics at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, who is also an experienced TCM practitioner.

The solution is to calm down the activity of the liver, and to reduce the burden on stomach and spleen, which can be fulfilled by a light diet and gentle exercise.

"Do not have too much strong-flavored food. Avoid intake of stimulating food or drink, such as pepper, alcohol and coffee," Li says. He strongly recommends foods such as  fish, pork, duck, lily root, Chinese yam, asparagus lettuce, lotus seed, apples and bananas.   Chicken, mutton, beef and oranges are not advisable in spring.

"Aerobic exercises, such as jogging, playing badminton and swimming, are also beneficial to good sleep," Li adds.Aerobic exercises will improve oxygen consumption and will prepare the body for peaceful sleep. But it should be done at least three hours before going to bed.

Taking a nap between 11 am to 1 pm, a traditional practice in China, is healthy, too, although many people have dropped the habit due to their faster-paced life.

"A nap should not be too long. About 15 to 30 minutes is enough," Li notes. "The quality of sleep is more important than the length."

For the elderly, who often have insomnia, perhaps due to chronic diseases, a good night's sleep is extremely important.  Li and his colleagues have found that a restful sleep will improve the condition of patients, which will in turn improve the sleep. And vice versa.

"If patients cannot sleep well, taking some TCM will be helpful, but that must be conducted under a doctors' guidance," Li says.

Is Your Menopause a Hormonal Nightmare?

Ever heard of bed time aerobics? It’s a night class nobody would purposely sign up for, but you just may have experienced it.

It goes something like this.  “I fall asleep comfortably wrapped in my comforter in my flannel PJ’s when it’s cold.  After a few hours I shed the top comforter layer.  Then I’m down to the sheet which eventually gets soaked in sweat.  At this point the chills set in and I’m back to pulling up the comforter, shedding the PJ’s for a dry cotton t-shirt and then the process starts again.”

If you are in the peri-menopausal or menopause years you know it as “night sweats”.

There is also the day time version which most women know as “hot flashes”.  Western medicine says this is all caused by the hypothalamus that gets confused by fluctuating estrogen levels and sends the message for blood vessels to dilate to heat you up, and then release sweat to cool you down.

Night sweats can go on for years and interrupted sleep can lead to a host of other health problems.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), night sweats and hot flashes are due to an imbalance in the yin and yang energies in the body. As we age, everyone, males and females become deficient in both yin and yang.  Night time is yin time, and when a person is yin deficient, the symptoms tend to manifest at the height of yin (night) time.  Night sweats are considered very debilitating in Chinese medicine because sweat is considered a fluid of the heart. Therefore, sweating at night while sleeping (not exercising) can also be accompanied by heart palpitations, insomnia, fatigue and paleness,

The appropriate treatment is to boost the yin and the yang with foods and Chinese herbs. 

Asian women experience much fewer hot flashes and night sweats and very few of them are ever put on hormone replacement therapy.  Interestingly, only about 10% of Asian women experience noticeable menopausal symptoms, compared with 75% of the women in the United States.

The use of food as medicine is a basic idea in Asian culture, and a fundamental principle in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Herbs are commonly used in Asian cooking to help supplement the yin energy as people age.  Chinese herbs are made into teas and commonly served as a daily drink to supplement health concerns  often before symptoms get seriously out of control.  This early “preventative” approach helps many women avoid the dreaded night time aerobics we commonly see in the U.S. population.  Our Menopause Relief Herb Pac will boost both your yin and yang energy to reset your body’s natural thermostat and eliminate the night sweats and hot flashes in just a few short weeks, guaranteed.

Does the PMS Monster Wreck Your Life?

Best Natural PMS relief  - a 100% herbal alternative that works Although it may seem like men do not understand the pains of a woman’s monthly cycle, they suffer from it just as much as women do. But let’s face it — men can’t imagine the burden of a monthly period just like women could never fathom the pain of being kicked in the groin. And why would we want to?

For males throughout history, a woman menstrual cycle has been a foreign and repulsive topic. Aside from the physical symptoms that deem a woman dirty and unattractive, the real monster takes the shape of emotional instability and irritability. The primary victims are women, but we understand that it takes a toll on men as well. The monster creeps in quietly, without warning, and waits.

We may find ourselves feeling ultra sensitive, vulnerable, and demanding extra care. The PMS monster has one goal—to wreak havoc on everyone! Its steep spiral sends us into scary places where we may begin ruminating on past experiences and jumping to conclusions. The PMS monster enlists emotion, which stakes its claim over the territory and takes no prisoners. It cuts off all resources of reason and rationality and forces us to focus on our pain. Hormones can be powerful forces when out of balance.

Men, are just as effected by the monster. The most loving, carrying man now can’t do anything right. Men may wonder why the women in their lives are crying at the sight of something joyful, or are raging in response to a simple question. The truth is that we are possessed by the PMS monster, hormones gone wild. Once it takes over, no man is safe, not even the most caring, patient male will be free from the unpredictable behavior set off by the wretched monster that possesses his beloved. She may rant and rave for a day or a night, men never seem to get use to this unpredictable behavior that defies all logic.

Men may even succumb to the saying: "Never trust anything that bleeds for days straight and lives to tell about it."

However, there is hope! Along with the burden mother nature has placed on us, she has also provided us with natural solutions that can combat the reign of terror set off by Pre-menstrual Syndrome and the companion symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, depression, headache, edema and abdominal pain. Mother Nature’s herbal agents, dang gui peony root, bupleurum and cyperus root are just a few of the warriors that can be recruited to restore the natural balance to women, men, and relationships. Women will experience less pain, mood lifts and energy, and men will experience less confusion and frustration.

Mother Nature’s wonder drugs (a.k.a. herbs) have been used in Chinese Medicine for generations and can help restore a woman’s natural balance.   These herbs have the power to calm and sooth the PMS monster.  We packaged it in convenient stay fresh PACkets to keep the herbs fresh and therefore more potent than anything you can find in capsules.  The blend of specific herbs gives PMS Relief Herb Pac a real punch when it comes to knocking out the PMS monster.  What do you have to loose, the PMS monster?  We guarantee it!

Are You Rethinking Menopause, Revisiting Hormones & HRT?

chinese herbs for hot flashes and night sweatsIf your taking them you might be rethinking your decision.   If your not taking them you’re wondering if they could help.  If your dealing with menopause symptoms, you are most likely also dealing with the dilemma of artificial hormones.

The recent news regarding Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is making all women of 45 and older, rethink their options as they consider what to do about hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia and a host of other typical menopause symptoms that can plague women daily.  

Yet the standard of care that we call herd medicine, or medicine for the masses,  can no longer BE the standard of care. Today we must start  with a new emphasis on the importance of treating every woman individually, with decisions about hormone use made strictly on a case-by-case basis. 


If your looking for answers and don’t know what to believe with all the recent studies, check out The Breast Cancer Fund.  This national non-profit organization has the most recently published studies posted in one convenient location. They connect the dots between breast cancer and exposures to chemicals and radiation in our everyday environments. They also offer a host of practical breast cancer prevention strategies.   From limiting BPA’s to minimizing your exposure to toxic chemicals,  their web site is an amazing place to educate yourself.


If you need more education on a natural solution to your menopause symptoms, you can find several articles here. Our solution, Menopause Relief Herb Pack,  is one that has worked for generations of women.  It’s nothing new to any Chinese herbalist and we guarantee it.  Money back if your not satisfied.  You can find it here or ask your local Acupuncturist/herbalist for your best herbs for menopause.

The Top 5 Natural Sleep Aid Tips

Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?

Ever count sheep?  Who came up with that idea anyway?  I use to try it and it drove me crazy, I always lost track of how many sheep.  I guess that was the point.. but it never helped me get to sleep.

Here's what I've learned after countless insomnia consults.   Prescription sleep aids may work for some but before you resort to that extreme give a few of these natural sleep remedies a try.

1.  Darkness counts.  Make the bedroom as dark as possible.  No computers in the room, no clock radio light.  If you want to sleep you need to maximize that melatonin production so you need blackness.   When you can't see your hand in front of your face, your sleep space functioning as a natural sleep aid.

2.  Stop Nappiing!!  No more than 1 short.. 30 minutes or less nap, per day.  Sorry folks, if you really want good quality sleep you've got to maximize the efficiency of 7 hours straight.   You shouldn't  need a nap if you have at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.  Power napping  (30 min or less ) is approved but more than that you are sabotaging your night time REM.

3.  Change your mind, 7-8 hours is not a pipe dream.  Although many of us would like to will ourselves to sleep,  this method is fairly ineffective.  But if you truly set a natural sleep goal, this will be a positive influence.   As you go to bed, give yourself the positive affirmation that you will sleep all night. Don't doubt yourself, you may be surprised how strong the mind can be.

4.  Love your mattress, or whatever you sleep on.  If you don't love it,  change it.  Com' on, you spend months/years of your life sleeping.  Do it in style.   

5.   The temperature is one of the most important natural sleep remedies.  We have all experienced the" too hot" summer night or too cold winter morning.  Make it right and enjoy the best sleep you can.  (If night sweats are your "too hot" moment check out our natural Menopause Relief, it will naturally adjust your internal thermostat.)

Bonus tip:   A few drops of Lavender essential oil on your pillow  and behind your ear lobes provides a natural calming effect.

If you are still suffering with poor sleep, try our all natual sleep aid.  Our herbal blend is not a secret, it is written in every Chinese herbal formula book on the planet.  It has been used for centuries.  Drink a small cup of iSleep before bed and we guarantee you will improve the number of hours you sleep.  Best part… it's an all natural sleep aid!

Learn to Unplug and Recharge By Sleeping

“I can’t speak for all women, but I want to get more sleep, says Arianna Huffington, the Co- Founder and Editor-In-Chief of the Huffington Post  a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of twelve books.   Arianna Huffington was a speaker at The Womens Conference 2009 and had this to say about sleep. . .

“The prevailing culture tells us that nothing succeeds like excess, that working 80 hours a week is better than working 70, that being plugged in 24/7 is expected, and that sleeping less and multi-tasking more are an express elevator to the top.”

“I beg to differ.  There is nothing that negatively affects my mood, my productivity, or my effectiveness more than lack of sleep. I’ve had to learn to unplug and recharge. To trade multi-tasking for uni-tasking — and, occasionally — no-tasking. It’s left me healthier, happier, and more able to try to make a positive difference in the world.”

“My eyes have been opened to the value of regularly closing them.”

I couldn’t agree more with Arianna!  Our fast paced, high tech world that never sleeps is creating a world of insomniac’s who wish nothing more than… well a good nights sleep.  Weight gain is blamed on lack of sleep, as is an increase in depression and death, (due to drivers falling asleep behind the wheel).  .

Consider the Nurses’ Health Study conducted by Harvard University found that getting too little sleep is linked to a greater risk of getting breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

If you suffer from a lack of sleep check into natural sleep aids such as iSleep Herb Pack, an all natural sleep aid used in Asian cultures for generations.   Because, a good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures for just about anything that ails you.

Chinese Herbs May Soon Help Those With Cocaine Addiction

Chinese herbs work for PMS & insomnia, now studied for cocaine addictionThe University of Maryland School of Pharmacy has just  received a prestigious $3.7 million grant to develop a drug which would treat cocaine addiction.   The drug is based on a molecule originally discovered in the extract of Chinese herbs.  Jia Bei Wang Ph.D is a professor of pharmaceutical science and was awarded this grant, the largest ever given by the NIH, National Institute of Health.

Wang and her collaborators from the University’s schools of pharmacy and medicine will develop a drug from a compound called l-tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP), which is the active ingredient in some Chinese herbal medicines. Under the grant, the team also plans to conduct human trials to test the effectiveness of the new drug.  If proven effective, it will be the first drug developed from Chinese herbs and approved in the United States, and possibly anywhere in the world, to treat cocaine addiction.

Congratulations go to Dr. Wang and her team for receiving the grant.  We look forward to the results five years from now.  We’ve always known Chinese herbs can treat a myriad of diseases, from PMS, insomnia, pre-diabetes to alcohol addiction.  Dr. Wang has extensively studied the Chinese research on 1-THP and six months ago she provided IDA with samples produced in China. The agency found it to have a unique profile, says Wang. “Chinese medicine is a big treasure box, which I always had in mind as a possible resource to treat drug addiction,” she says

“Cocaine addiction is a major health concern in both urban and suburban communities and l-THP may be the first effective medication for the treatment of cocaine abuse and addiction approved in this country,” says Natalie D. Eddington, PhD, FAAPS, dean of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. “Dr. Wang’s clinical research is critical and timely, and if successful, it will augment and strengthen the cognitive-behavioral approaches used currently to treat cocaine addiction.


more info here:

Sleep Tips From The Mayo Clinic, Is Sleeping Now a Luxury?

herbs for sleep Is Sleep a luxury?  As our world has become more modern, more convenient and more well, fast paced sleeping seems to be, more of a luxury than a necessity.  We can take pills to quickly put us to sleep and all kinds of drinks and foods to keep us awake.  We can regulate our bodies for 20 hour work days and 4 hours of rest,  or any combination thereof.   With hundreds of TV stations on 24 hours, movies on demand, internet, anytime, anywhere, there just seems like so many better things to do than sleep.  Even little kids know that it's usually much more fun to stay up late, than to go to bed.

Yes,  but our genetics tell us we need 8-9 hours of sleep every night. Sorry, overriding genetics on this issue will only deteriorate your health.  Here are the  highlights from an eight page report about sleeping well from the Mayo Clinic.  

  • Sleep isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity.
  • Restful sleep is just as important to health as adequate nutrition and exercise.
  • Sleep is necessary to think clearly.
  • Studies have shown that being well rested improves the body’s response to infection.
  • Evidence suggests that brains are hard at work during sleep, possibly forming the pathways necessary for learning, making new memories and insights, and coming up with creative solutions to problems.
  • Inadequate sleep is linked to depression and irritability as well as diabetes, weight problems and cravings for high-calorie, high-carbohydrate foods.
  • Sleep problems often can be treated, sleep aids can be both behavioral and medications.
  • In fact, sleep problems often can be traced to treatable health issues. Examples include poor pain control, frequent nighttime urination, or illnesses that cause coughing or shortness of breath.
  • Insomnia and depression often go hand in hand: Many people develop insomnia prior to being depressed. Studies show that unresolved insomnia increases the risk of depression. It’s not clear if one causes the other, but each can worsen if untreated.
  • Antidepressants may have stimulating properties and make insomnia worse. Prescription sleep aids are designed for short term use.

We believe in natural sleep aids here at Pac Herbs.  Our iSleep Herb Pac will help you rest and feel rejuvenated the next day. Get the sleep your body needs to stay healthy, because sleeping is not just a luxury but a necessity for wellness.  Checkout our all natural iSleep Herb Pac, an herbal formula used in Asian cultures for thousands of years.