This Chinese Herb and Common Spice Lowers Blood Sugar for Type 2 Diabetes

Chinese herbs for diabetesThe rise in diabetes in the Western world is out of control.   Too many folks seem to ignore the role of diet in prevention and treatment of diabetes and yet something as simply as cinnamon consumption may be an way to improve blood glucose levels.

Cinnamon is a common spice and Chinese herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries.  Cinnamon bark and twigs are often used in Chinese herbal medicine to enhance digestive function, promote the movement of qi, disperse the cold and fortify the kidney energy and pancreas.

A recent study from Germany published in the European Journal of Clincal Investigation shows a water soluble cinnamon extract can reduce fasting blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.

The cinnamon  (known as the Chinese herbs Gui Zhi and Rou Gui)  results further add to a growing body of clinical evidence demonstrating supplementation with cinnamon bark and twig extract may play an important role in managing blood sugar levels and improving insulin function.

The  study  done at the University of Hannover was both placebo controlled  and double-blind, designed to determine the effect of a water-soluble cinnamon extract on glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes. A total of 79 patients with type 2 diabetes not on insulin therapy but treated with oral medication or diet therapy were randomly assigned to take either a cinnamon extract or placebo capsule three times daily for four months. The cinnamon capsule contained 112 mg of water-soluble extract, an equivalent of one gram of cinnamon powder. The cinnamon extract group experienced a significant reduction in fasting plasma glucose levels (10.3%) versus the placebo group (3.4%). Changes in HbA1c and lipid profiles were not statistically significant.

“This study, together with a recent clinical trial utilizing Cinnulin PF, provides compelling evidence for the beneficial effects of a water-soluble cinnamon extract on blood sugar levels,” stated Tim Romero, executive vice president, Integrity Nutraceuticals International, marketer of Cinnulin PF. “We are excited to see in the coming months results of studies underway that further substantiate the efficacy and safety of Cinnulin PF.”


Reference: American Botanical Council


More studies on Curcumin: 

Phase II trial of curcumin in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer

The Chinese Herb Licorice Root For Cavities & Gum Disease

Chinese herbs for cavitiesOne of the most commonly used Chinese herbs is licorice root and Web MD recently mentioned how licorice root can help prevent and treat tooth decay and gum disease.

According to a new study in the Journal of Natural Products, licorice root may help keep teeth healthy.  But you won’t find the beneficial ingredients in licorice candy.  Licorice candy is mostly sugar and in the U.S. often flavored with anise oil.

The herb licorice root is in nearly every herbal formulations in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  The main reason for its popularity is its sweet flavor and its remarkable ability to guide other herbs to all 12 channels in the body.   This might sound a little odd, but if you’ve ever dug up a small licorice plant you can see the roots tend to go in all directions.  It is an interesting quality about this herb, because many herb roots don’t travel outwardly, they simple grow down. But the licorice plant has roots that are born to run.   

I was once digging up a small 5 foot tall licorice that has meandered into the wrong garden space.   As we followed the roots to clean up the space, they went 10-15 feet in several different directions. This Chinese herb seems to act the same way in the body and this is often why a very small amount, usually 3%- 6%  of Traditional Chinese herb formulas often contain licorice. (Also known as Gan Cao.)  Gan Cao helps other herbs in a formula travel to all 12 channels in the body.  This is a very rare quality, there are only a few herbs with the ability to travel to all areas of the body.

I consider it an added bonus that licorice prevents tooth decay.  A very small amount of licorice  (3%) is found in our iSleep Herb Pack.  It has traditionally been part of the 800 year old formula that iSleep is based upon.  No reason to change something that 800 years of use has already proved successful.

The Active Ingredients

The two predominant compounds in licorice, licoricidin and licorisoflavan A, were found to be the most effective in inhibiting the growth of cavity-causing bacteria. These and other compounds found in licorice root were also shown to prevent the growth of bacteria associated with periodontitis, an inflammatory disease that can destroy the bones, gums, and tissue that maintain teeth.

Warnings about the effects of licorice for those with high blood pressure need some explanation.  Studies on licorice root extract have shown a  dose of  60 grams or more per 100g formula had side effects.  However, this dose is at least 10X higher than the safe and recommended dosage used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Licorice has been used safely and effectively for thousand of years.  There is no documented historical use of licorice ever being used in Traditional Chinese Medicine at a dose of 60 grams in a 100g formula.  Like anything, if you abuse an herb, just like caffeine, or any drug, there can be serious side effects. It is always important to know the safe and correct dose of any medication.

P.S.   Licorice root raw slices have a lovely little flavor if you need something healthy to chew on during the day. All Chinese markets sell them because they are often thrown into soups or used for a cup of tea. A lovely Asian tradition that we now know also protects our teeth.

Jujube Fruit Is A Chinese Herb Now Growing in California

A slightly unusual yet inspiring story appeared on the front page of the LA Times today.   It is about a farmer in California's Central Valley near Fresno who has been growing some unusual produce.  He is growing one very common Chinese herb called Jujube fruit.   This fruit is fetching higher than average produce market prices partly because the Asian community nearby understand the value of this Chinese date.  It's the kind of success story I love reading about,  so unusual for the front page of the LA Times.

Used in many traditional Chinese herbal formulas, Da Zao as it's referred to in Mandarin, has several uses and  is commonly added to improve the digestability of other herbs in formulas.  Jujube is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to improve digestion, improve energy and to nourish the blood.  This is one reason you can find it in our Energy Booster Herb Pack.   

It can be eaten right off the tree or dried and used in a tea, congee, (hot cereal) or used to sweeten rice or other foods.   Jujube like many Chinese herbs doubles as both a food staple and a medicinal herb.  In a higher dose this dried fruit is used for stress, nervousness and helps calm the spirit which is one of the reasons we included it in iSleep Herb Pack.

Most American's have never seen Jujube fruit but I have seen it popping up in Farmers Markets this time of year. This particular California farmer started growing it when he learned it was a popular item which could sell for a premium.  Asian cultures have understood for centuries the value of this little date. In fact, the LA Times reported "his biggest-selling, most established crop is the super sweet jujubes."  It seems Americans are starting to catch the wave, learning both the health benefits and tasty goodness available in botanicals we often use as herbal medicine.

It is truly great to see we are beginning to grow Chinese herbs here in California.  Traditional Chinese herbs, whether they are being used for food or medicine have brought millions "Wellness for Centuries" and can continue to do so.   Hopefully, one day soon more American's will understand these benefits.


Connect here to see our products containing jujube fruit: iSleep Herb Pack and our Energy Booster Herb Pack


See story here:,0,5801613.story?page=2

Peanut Allergies Suppresed With Chinese Herbs

Would it not be incredible if there was a way to prevent peanut allergies in children or to reduce asthma in children?  I think everyone would agree this would be a worthwhile medical development, certainly news worthy.   Researchers have been studying Chinese herbs for years and are now able to prove that two specific herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can reduce the inflammation response that occurs with allergies. This is  especially important since food allergies and peanut allergies have been on the rise in children.

If I child goes into a anaphylaxtic shock as a result of a peanut allergy it is always a serious event.  A study recently done on two Chinese herbs; Rubia cordifolia (Qiancao) and Dianthus superbus (Qumai) has the potential to save lives.  Researchers at Mount Sinai Medical Center have studied how these herbal extracts can suppress IgE production and prevent peanut-induced anaphylaxis.

Study Results

"Rubia cordifolia and Dianthus superbus inhibited the in vitro IgE production by a human B-cell line in a dose-dependent manner and the in vivo IgE production in a murine model of peanut allergy without affecting peanut-specific-IgG1 levels. After challenge, all mice in the sham groups developed anaphylactic reactions and increased plasma histamine levels. The extract-treated mice demonstrated significantly reduced peanut-triggered anaphylactic reactions and plasma histamine levels."

"The extracts of Rubia cordifolia and Dianthus superbus inhibited the IgE production in vivo and in vitro as well as reduced anaphylactic reactions in peanut-allergic mice, suggesting potentials for allergy treatments."


Iván López-Expósito1,2, Alexandra Castillo1, Nan Yang1, Banghao Liang1 and Xiu-Min Li1*    Chinese Medicine 2011, 6:35 doi:10.1186/1749-8546-6-35    Published: 30 September 2011



5 Reason To Learn About Chinese Herbs

1. Chinese Herbal Medicine is Used by One Third of Earth’s Population

Chinese herbs help you sleep, are a menopause treatment and make a great energy drink

Are you part of the 33%?  If you use Chinese herbs to help you sleep, give you energy or just provide you with relief from menopause hot flashes and night sweats, you should know you  are part of the growing world wide explosion of use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).   As populations increase more and more people worldwide are looking to the medicine they know their grandparents trusted and depended upon.

2. Herbs Are Synergistic; They Work With Our Immune System.

Some herbs, like ginseng are adaptogens others are immune-stimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-oxidant.  Herbs used in combinations or formulas can improve our total immune system.  There is not a single prescription drug can do that.  

3. Herbal Formulas Have Been Studied and Tested

Imagine how much more enjoyable life would be if you simply had more energy, a clearer head and a relaxed body. Look at the thousands of studies on  that have been done on plant based medicine to prove time tested results are more than coincidence for insomnia, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, menstrual irregularities, migraines, the list is endless.

4. Traditional Chinese Herbal Formulas Have Been Used Continuously For Over 1000 Years.

Herbal Medicine is currently the main medicine for over 33% of the world’s population and has a long established record of effectiveness.  Chinese herbal medicine has written documentation going back to 200 AD. Asian cultures have used this plant-based medicine or medicinal herbs for thousands of years and have an inherent understanding of their healing qualities. In fact, many Chinese dishes are made with herbs for medicinal value because food is also medicine.

5. Herbs Match Our Biochemistry

Our biochemistry has evolved over millions of years with plants as our main source of food, so we are naturally compatible with medicinal herbs. Herbal medicines  inherently have the same chemical structures that built your body in the first place.  Allkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins and more are all found in natural plants. These are the chemical structures your body needs to repair itself.

Bonus Reason:  Compared to Prescriptions, Herbs are a bargain

Herbal supplements are the best investment you can make in yourself. They are far less expensive than prescription medication and their greatest savings comes from the prevention of long term illness. The western standard for disease- if you’re not sick, you’re healthy – should not be the measurement of one’s health.


Affordable Medicine, Ginger Root Is A Must Know Chinese Herb

Did you hear the news? A new study on ginger root found this Chinese herbs helps reduce colon inflammation and may reduce colon cancer risk.

The interest in Chinese herbs is growing all the time.  New studies on the cancer prevention properties on herbal remedies which have been used for centuries are multiplying.  Westerners are learning some of the age old practices well known in Asia for centuries.  Ginger is used both as a food and as a medicine in Asia cultures.

“Interest in this is only going to increase as people look for ways to prevent cancer that are nontoxic and improve their quality of life in a cost-effective way,” said lead author Suzanna Zick in a news release. Zick is a naturopathic doctor and a research assistant professor at the University of Michigan Medical School.

This latest study on ginger root supplements found that evidence of ginger’s benefits (2 grams daily) after just 28 days of use.  The participants were at normal risk for cancer of the colon, they had no family history of the disease and no evidence of the disease.  The participants underwent sigmoidoscopies at the beginning and end of the study.  Researchers examined colon inflammation levels and found that those taking the supplements had a drop in colon inflammation markers as well as a tendency toward substantial decreases in other markers.

Ginger is often used for indigestion, nausea, upset stomach and digestive difficulties  in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  It is very common to find a small amount of  ginger root  (2-3 grams ) in many Traditional Chinese herbal formulas to help balance and harmonize a formula of many herbs.  I always keep some frozen ginger root tucked away in the freezer, just in case.  


More articles on Ginger here:

Use Ginger Root after exercise for less pain

Chemo Nausea Treated with Ginger

Chinese Herb Breakthrough Wins Prestigious Award

The award known as American Nobel Prize was presented last Saturday to an 81 year old researcher for her work on a Chinese herb called Artemisia.  Tu Youyou is the first Chinese citizen to receive the prestigious Lasker Medical Research Award.  Her work, along with her research team, has studied the Chinese herb Artemisia (qing hao) which is used to cure malaria.  Today the artemisia based drug created by Tu and her colleagues  is now a standard treatment for malaria and statistics show it's success rate is 97 percent.  

"I think the honor not only belongs to me, but also to all Chinese scientists," Tu said at the award ceremony held in New York. "The discovery of artemisinin is a gift to mankind from traditional Chinese medicine," Tu was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

"Not often in the history of clinical medicine can we celebrate a discovery that has eased the pain and distress of hundreds of millions of people and saved the lives of countless numbers of people, particularly children, in over 100 countries," Lucy Shapiro, a member of the award jury and professor of Stanford University, said while describing Tu's discovery.

This is very exciting news for Traditional Chinese Medicine. If we learn as a society to embrace the longstanding traditions and wisdom which botanical or herbal medicine hold, we will have the answers to many of the diseases of the 21st century.  We can improve the quality of our life and our lifespan using the knowledge of herbal medicine pasted down for centuries.   More research like that being done by Tu and her team could mean less lines for the unsustainable ER services and huge savings.  As a society we need to learn about Chinese herbs and how we can use them to create American traditions of "Wellness for Centuries".

For more information on Malaria and Artemisia read this post.

Flu Shot or Chinese Herbs, Which Is More Reliable?

flu shot or Chinese herbs? I’ve been driving around town seeing flu shot signs in nearly every pharmacy lately.  I’ve was wondering, when did a flu shot become necessary?   If I were driving around Taiwan or China I would see signs saying, “Chinese Herbs Sold Here For The Flu.”  Am I missing something or is getting a flu shot more propaganda than good health practices?  I decided to do some research.

I found this quote from Dr. Tom Jefferson, a British epidemiologist who heads vaccine research for the respected Cochrane Collaboration Dr. Jefferson said he “can’t see any reason” for vaccinating anyone against flu –  he argued the shots did nothing to save lives — and that most influenza-vaccine studies are “rubbish.”   

Chinese herbs have been used for generations of men and women, hundreds of thousands have survived the flu for centuries throughout China using only Chinese herbs as their primary medicine.  But I wanted to find some unbiased flu shot data. In other words, studies that are not performed by companies that have a stake in making a profit off flu vaccines. 

An international organization called the Cochrane Foundation is one of my favorite places for trustworthy data.  They review thousands of relevant studies from around the world and collate the findings.  In this case, Dr. Tom Jefferson an epidemiologist was the leading researcher for flu vaccines.  His conclusion published in the Lancet February 26, 2005.

 “We recorded no convincing evidence that vaccines can reduce mortality, [hospital] admissions, serious complications, and community transmission of influenza.”   Contrary to conventional medical wisdom, vaccines do not seem to reduce flu-related deaths in elderly people”.

The best the Cochrane reviewers could come up was this: “Vaccines were somewhat effective at reducing school absence…”

However, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention advises flu vaccines for babies 6-23 months because they tend to suffer more complications once they get the flu, no evidence supports the recommendation. The Cochrane reviewers found that vaccines had little effect on bronchitis, ear infections, and hospitalizations, compared with the babies given placebo vaccines. In short, the CDC recommendations are irresponsible given the fact that the only two studies that involved babies found no benefit and little is known about adverse effects of these vaccines for babies.

Because fewer than 10% of all winter deaths can be attributed to the flu in any year during this study’s three-decade period, the authors conclude that vaccination’s benefit to elderly people has been substantially overestimated.

For me, I’ll stick with the Chinese herbs. Never did like shots anyway.



Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Feb 17;(2):CD005187.

Center for Medical Consumers   March 2005.

End The Flu Faster With Chinese Herbs

Fox News, Reuters Health and other large news organizations recently ran a story about a clinical trail on traditional Chinese herbs relieving fever and flu symptoms better than the flu shot and NSAID, over-the-counter pain relievers.  The story was breaking news at the Beijing Institute of Respiratory Medicine about a week ago.

This is great news, but the product, Ma xing shi gan tang combined with Yin qiao san is not readily available in U.S. stores.  Hopefully this will change soon.  In the meantime, practitioners of Chinese medicine such as licensed Acupuncturists in the U.S.  do have access to this herbal formula.  This formula works because of the combination of the herbs, if you take just one herb alone it does not work.

The researchers reported these Chinese herbs helped reduce fever faster than Tamiflu the flu shot.

The researchers studied 410 Chinese adults with H1N1 flu (also known as the swine flu). The patients who drank the Chinese herb tea typically saw their fevers resolve after 16 hours, versus 26 hours in patients in a "control group" whose only flu treatment was acetaminophen   (Tylenol) if their fever passed 102 degrees F.

Patients in a third group received the prescription antiviral drug Tamiflu, known generically as oseltamivir. With Tamiflu, fevers typically resolved after 20 hours, or six hours sooner than in the control group.

The studies findings  have been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Chinese herbs have a long history of use in other parts of the world.  Japan, Korea, and Germany all have these herbal remedies widely available and at a very low cost.  China and Taiwan use Traditional Chinese medicine in their national health care system and herbal remedies are covered by insurance.

Hopefully some day soon, American's will understand and appreciate this botanical form of medicine has many proven benefits.

Read more:

Cheap Chinese Herbs Are Not Worth It

 Best Chinese herbs for sleep If you are looking for cheap Chinese herbs you won’t find them here.  Sorry, but I refuse to buy cheap quality raw materials for my products.  Why?  Well like just about anything, you get what you pay for.  So if you don’t mind having heavy metals and bacteria in your Chinese herb products then go ahead… buy those cheap ones.

If you want to know your herbs are tested for contaminants they keep reading.  You are in the right place.

But how do you know what’s good and what’s not.   First, find out who is the manufacturer or processor of the herbs.  When you buy drugs you are told who makes it.  When you purchase fruits and vegetables labels tell you the processor and country of origin.  When you buy herbs, a product you plan on ingesting, the rule should be the same.  If  a seller is not telling you where the herbs are processed and by whom, don’t buy them from these companies. Don’t be fooled, if the information is missing from the website, it’s missing for a reason.

I offer a free report titled “What you need to know before purchasing Chinese herbs”. It’s available on our home page and it’s FREE!  Get educated, Chinese herbal remedies are offered all over the internet cheap for a reason.  Because cheap Chinese herbs are cheap quality and not worth the money you are paying for shipping.

We are completely transparent about our manufacturer our testing and our finished products.  Watch our 3 minute factory tour and see how our herbs for sleep, PMS Relief, and Menopause  are processed in our pharmaceutical factory.

Look for lot numbers and expiration dates on every product.   Lot numbers can be traced to batches of herbs and with our products correspond to “COA’s or Certificates of Analysis which detail all the testing and list quality assurance numerical standards of each test performed.   Many herbal companies do not have the high tech equipment or resources to perform COA’s. Check with the manufacturer and ask at the retail store where you purchase herbs if they are requiring COA’s from their suppliers.

We guarantee everything we sell and we guarantee our herbs are pure, unadulterated botanicals with no fillers and nothing artificial.  Ask the other guys who sell herbs cheap if they will make that guarantee.



Sleep Aid Medication Not Safe Enough Says FDA

Regulators at the US Food and Drug Administration have denied for a second time, a sleep aid drug over safety concerns.  Trancept Pharmaceuticals formulation of zolpidem tartrate (the same drug used in Ambien) has been trying to get approval for a sublingual tablet they hope to market as “Intermezzo”.  This sleep aid would be marketed towards those who wake in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep.  

The problem is regulators have doubts over safety.  Taking a dose of this drug with less than 4 hours of sleep time may result in severe morning drowsiness.  The stories of sleep driving, sleepwalking and sleep falls have all been documented and are receiving attention. 

Driving While Drowsy is Unsafe

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowsy driving contributes to an estimated 100,000 motor vehicle crashes and about 1,500 deaths each year.

In fact,  in 2007, FDA regulators requested that all manufacturers of sedative-hypnotic drugs include stronger product language warning of the potential risks because of the rising number of sleep driving incidents.

Waking in the middle of the night is a pattern is a sleeplessness that is one of the most common problems today. If you saw the Dr. Oz show on Chinese Medicine (you can see it here) you probably heard that jujube seed is an herb which can help with this sleeplessness. 

This 100% natural herbal sleep aid that has been used for thousands of years throughout Asia, yet is little known in the West. It is effective and safe!  Research has proven its ability to calm the mind and stop the repetitive thoughts that so often keep us awake at night.  It is one of the main herbs in iSleep Herb Pack.   iSleep can be used sublingually before bed or in the middle of the night. There are no harmful side effects and no morning drowsiness.  You can find iSleep Herb Pack here and at many fine health food stores.

Chemo Nausea Treated With Ginger Root

Traditional Chinese Medicine ginger root Ginger root is one of the most common Chinese herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

Ginger root has been used for tea, both medicinally and as a comfort food throughout Asia for generations.  Today, many studies prove it's value in 21st century medical treatments.

The study on ginger root below is courtesy of the American Botanical Council.  As an herbalist, I love everything about what the American Botanical Council stands for and what they have accomplished.  Based in Austin, Texas, in their own words, they " are passionate about helping people live healthier lives through the responsible use of herbs, medicinal plants. We are an independent, nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to providing accurate and reliable information for consumers, health care practitioners, researchers, educators, industry and the media".

The American Botanical Council distributes a tremendous amount of reliable information on herbs and herbal studies, on Western herbs, Chinese herbs and Ayurvedic herbs, either way they are all botanicals.  The study below on ginger root is just one of thousands of monographs they have published.

By:   Amy C. Keller, PhD

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) root has been used around the world throughout history to treat stomach ailments, including nausea.1 A common, unpleasant adverse side effect of cancer treatment is chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). In this clinical trial, the researchers set out to evaluate ginger root powder as a supplement to the antiemetic, intravenous pharmaceuticals ondansetron and dexamethasone. As the researchers mention, ginger successfully reduces CINV in adults in previous studies,2 they investigate the potential for ginger to alleviate CINV in children and young adults.



Pillai AK, Sharma KK, Gupta YK, Bakhshi S. Anti-emetic effect of ginger powder versus placebo as an add-on therapy in children and young adults receiving high emetogenic chemotherapy. Pediatr Blood Cancer. February 2011;56(2):234-238

1Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, eds. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs. Austin, TX: American Botanical Council; Newton, MA: Integrative Medicine Communications; 2000.

2Ryan J, Heckler C, Dakhil S, et al. Ginger for chemotherapy-related nausea in cancer patients: a URCC CCOP randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of 644 cancer patients. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27(15S):9511.