No Monthly Cramps, No Kidding

No cramps & PMS - Herbs work fast for PMS Relief  Be the envy of all your friends because you don't get PMS and cramps anymore.  Yes it's possible!!

The herbs used in PMS Relief Herb Pac are safe, natural and work fast for monthly cramps and PMS moodiness.  There are 14 herbs in PMS Relief that have all been used by generations of women to regulate and relieve monthly period pains. 

Why haven't you heard of this before?  If you lived in just about any part of Asia, you would have heard about these herbs.  In fact, everyone there uses Chinese herbs all the time.  Whether it's in pills, packets or boiled at home, herbs are just regular medicine.  Nothing really out of the ordinary.  I suppose similar to taking Vitamin C here or packets of Emergen C.

Once you try a packet you won't believe the results and you will be the envy of all your friends. Stop suffering in pain, there is an answer, it's all natural, safe and available. 

More info on PMS Relief Herb Pac here.

Concern about Canned Food and Breast Cancer Risks

Prevent Breast cancer with Chinese herbsWe are telling canned food manufacturers to stop using BPA's.  We want this toxic chemical Bisphenol A, out of food.

More than 15,000 people so far have asked Campbell Soup Co., Del Monte Foods and General Mills (maker of Progresso, Cascadian Farm and Muir Glen) a simple question: What are they doing to get BPA out of their food packaging and out of our bodies?

Here's what the companies that wrote us back to you had to say:

"Muir Glen continues to believe BPA is safe. However, we know that some of our consumers have wanted us to pursue alternatives" –General Mills

"Scientific and governmental bodies worldwide have examined the science many times and have concluded that the weight of evidence supports the safety of BPA" –Progresso Soup

This sounds more like corporate talking points instead of concern for the health and well being of consumers.

More than 200 scientific studies have shown that there is reason for concern about BPA, which is plenty to convince these "consumers" that it doesn't belong in food. But are these companies really taking our concerns seriously? It sure doesn't sound like it.  BPA's are endocrine disrupting chemicals.  What this means is they effect your hormone levels.  When hormone levels are disrupted over long periods of time, i.e. estrogen dominance can result in excessive PMS, extreme menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea and high estrogen levels can feed cancer cells. 

We're keeping up the pressure on these companies to move quickly and safely to replace BPA in their products.

Canada has already banned the product and other countries are about to follow.

With your help we can make a difference. 

Tell the food manufacturers you have stopped buying canned food and ask your friends and family to take action.  Start today!

As Margaret Mead so appropriately said:   "A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has".

For more information on the studies associated with BPA's and breast cancer please check  the Breast Cancer Fund website.

Six Healthy Foods to Help Fight PMS

PMS and Menstrual cramps helped with diet and Chinese Herbs


You're PMS'ing and what you're craving cupcakes, salty potato chips and CHOCOLATE!!!   Mood swings caused by hormonal changes, especially the drop in progesterone just before your menstrual cycle/period, definitely cause those food binge cravings.  So what's a girl to do??

If you give in to the cravings, your mood plummets further, often from the calorie intake realization and  the sugar that let's you down with a crash.  Bloating is another common problem and the junk food and salty snacks only make that situation worse.

So here's a couple healthy suggestions of foods to help fill you up while at the same time have the extra perk of helping resolve PMS.  At the very least, eat these foods before any junk food.  Don't wait until you have the cravings, feed your body before the cravings get out of control.   (One note, there are lots of healthy dark chocolates available today. Splurge on quality chocolate and eat it in moderation, this will be a benefit in the long run.)

Here's six great foods you must keep on hand at all times, PMS or no PMS.

1.  Garbanzo beans,  I love them pureed into hummus.  You can also easily spice them up with a little garlic, paprika, salt, pepper and dill and melt jarlsberg cheese over them.  Makes a  great snack.   Garbanzo's are high in magnesium, which can reduce bloating and water retention,  Vitamin B6 which has been know to reduce irritability and manganese may help mood swings.  Eat them hot or cold in a salad, either way they are delicious.  

2. Comblex Carb's are your best friend when you're dealing with PMS symptoms. I'm talking, brown rice, oatmeal, beans and whole grain pasta.   Whole grains contains the three nutrients mentioned above, magnesium, vitamin B6, and manganese.   The right balance of these nutrients can help depression,  irritability and as an added bonus they carry few calories for those girls watching their weight. 

3.  Fish  – Fish is high in both omega 3's and 6 fatty acids.   Small fish will have the least amount of pollutants so check out mackerel, sardines and herring.  Ok, it may not be what you were craving but think outside the box.  You're body will love you because it's high in oils, (good for skin and hair) and fish is  also a great source of Vitamin D.  Studies suggest a diet rich in vitamin D may reduce the risk of PMS by about 40 percent.

4.  Nuts –  Nuts are fast and easy and the natural oils help your body make the "feel good" neurotransmitters that impact mood.  Throw  nuts into any meal and they spice up just about everything.  Walnuts, pecans, almonds, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts are some of my favorites.

5.  Sweet potatoes and/or yams –  I consider yams a goddess food for all age women. High in vitamin and minerals, yams are really the perfect food.  Baking a yam is so simple, just wash it and place in oven at 350 degree's for about 45 minutes and your done.  For a faster version, slice the yam into rounds with the skin on, place on a cooking sheet with a little olive oil and thyme and their done in a quick 15 minutes.  (melt blue cheese or feta on top for a yummy treat.)

6.  Water  Drink lots of water.  Often we think we're hungry when really we are just thirsty.  Staying completely hydrated helps bloating and of course fills you up so you won't want to binge on those junk foods.  You can drink  your water as tea, hot or cold.  Add lemon or sweeteners if you need too. If you need more than just foods for your PMS try our PMS Relief tea. It's all herbs, tastes great and is guaranteed to work fast.  You can drink it as a tea right when your period arrives or use a packet in the middle of the month at ovulation to help you deal with mood swings.  The added benefit is the herbs in PMS Relief also help regulate your cycle.  You'll be pain free, PMS free, and bloating will never bother you again.


This Year I Will Finally (dot, dot, dot)

Hopefully you've made some New Years resolutions and hopefully you can keep them. 

One resolution I hear often from patients is "I would like to stop taking so many OTC (over the counter) pain killers."  When I inquire further, I often learn the Tylenol, Advil, or generic  ibuprofen or acetaminophen are used for muscle aches, PMS and menstrual cramps and some use the PM versions of these OTC pain relievers as a sleep aid.  I'm always surprised people use these for sleep aids because their is no evidence that the PM versions of these pills have any active ingredients that will help you sleep.

If you are taking these pain killers for menstrual cramps you should check out our PMS Relief Herb Pac, and if you are taking over-the counter pain relievers for muscle aches I recommend switching to a systemic enzyme supplement.  

If you are taking acetaminophen, whether it be a generic or Tylenol, make sure you heed the BLACK BOX Warning on the box label.  The FDA requires the manufacturers to include this warning because of the number of life threatening incidences resulting in liver failure and death.   650 mg  is the maximum recommended dosage per day, this is two pills at 325 mg.  More than that and you risk serious liver damage.  Please don't buy the 1000 quantity bottles at Costco or Wallmart, simply because 1000 of any pain reliever is just too many.

If you drink on the same day you're taking acetaminophen, you increase your risk for acute (sudden onset) liver failure. Don't be one of the thousands that are rushed to the emergency room each year as a result of acetaminophen overdosing.  Herbs are a fantastic alternative to OTC pain relievers.  Our herbal sleep aid is a much safer and more effective solution. 

Other posts on this subject:

FDA says Sleep Aids have not proven effectiveness

Caution advised when using Acetaminophen:,718,719,720,721,722,723,724,725,726,727,728,729,730,731,732&issueref=199

Does the PMS Monster Wreck Your Life?

Best Natural PMS relief  - a 100% herbal alternative that works Although it may seem like men do not understand the pains of a woman’s monthly cycle, they suffer from it just as much as women do. But let’s face it — men can’t imagine the burden of a monthly period just like women could never fathom the pain of being kicked in the groin. And why would we want to?

For males throughout history, a woman menstrual cycle has been a foreign and repulsive topic. Aside from the physical symptoms that deem a woman dirty and unattractive, the real monster takes the shape of emotional instability and irritability. The primary victims are women, but we understand that it takes a toll on men as well. The monster creeps in quietly, without warning, and waits.

We may find ourselves feeling ultra sensitive, vulnerable, and demanding extra care. The PMS monster has one goal—to wreak havoc on everyone! Its steep spiral sends us into scary places where we may begin ruminating on past experiences and jumping to conclusions. The PMS monster enlists emotion, which stakes its claim over the territory and takes no prisoners. It cuts off all resources of reason and rationality and forces us to focus on our pain. Hormones can be powerful forces when out of balance.

Men, are just as effected by the monster. The most loving, carrying man now can’t do anything right. Men may wonder why the women in their lives are crying at the sight of something joyful, or are raging in response to a simple question. The truth is that we are possessed by the PMS monster, hormones gone wild. Once it takes over, no man is safe, not even the most caring, patient male will be free from the unpredictable behavior set off by the wretched monster that possesses his beloved. She may rant and rave for a day or a night, men never seem to get use to this unpredictable behavior that defies all logic.

Men may even succumb to the saying: "Never trust anything that bleeds for days straight and lives to tell about it."

However, there is hope! Along with the burden mother nature has placed on us, she has also provided us with natural solutions that can combat the reign of terror set off by Pre-menstrual Syndrome and the companion symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, depression, headache, edema and abdominal pain. Mother Nature’s herbal agents, dang gui peony root, bupleurum and cyperus root are just a few of the warriors that can be recruited to restore the natural balance to women, men, and relationships. Women will experience less pain, mood lifts and energy, and men will experience less confusion and frustration.

Mother Nature’s wonder drugs (a.k.a. herbs) have been used in Chinese Medicine for generations and can help restore a woman’s natural balance.   These herbs have the power to calm and sooth the PMS monster.  We packaged it in convenient stay fresh PACkets to keep the herbs fresh and therefore more potent than anything you can find in capsules.  The blend of specific herbs gives PMS Relief Herb Pac a real punch when it comes to knocking out the PMS monster.  What do you have to loose, the PMS monster?  We guarantee it!

2 Easy Tips to Reduce Your PMS?

PMS & period cramps made worse with plastic & bisphenol AWant to reduce those monthly period cramps naturally? Here’s why you need to stay away from Bisphenol A.

Bisphenol A is a toxic, endocrine disrupting chemical in our food supply.  Recently an  environmental health group with more than 525,000 members,  decided to sue, yes sue, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over it's stance on Bisphenol A. 

It is not easy or inexpensive to sue the Federal Government so you must have resources and a good cause.    Well, this group has both, and since the FDA did not respond to their initials petition on Bisphenol A,  this citizen group filed a lawsuit asking that  Bisphenol A  be banned from products such as plastic bottles and food can liners.

What is Bisphenol A?   A chemical used for the lining of canned goods and used in the production of plastic water bottles.  Those same plastic water bottles that kids use and that are crowding our land fills/dumps by the millions.   Animal and human studies have linked this chemical to serious health problems including an increased risk for diabetes, obesity, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

When we drink water from plastic bottles or eat canned food this endocrine disrupting chemical leaches into our food and water.  What is an endocrine disruptor?  They are artificial  chemicals  that can mimic or block the effects of natural hormones from certain receptor cites.  For example thyroid hormone which regulates our metabolism may be effected because a receptor cite is blocked.  This is like an underground garage  that blocks your cell phone signal.  No matter how many times you dial, the signal is blocked.  This may cause weight gain, or just a sluggish, low energy feeling.

Endocrine disrupting chemicals can give someone with mild PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) a really bad case of PMS.  

The reason is this, a woman's menstrual cycle requires a delicate balance of hormones to be turned on and turned off during a monthly cycle.   Chemicals like Bisphenol A can interrupt these on/off switches fairly easily causing a woman to have irregular periods, heavy bleeding, missed periods and very painful period cramps.  There is no doubt among the medical community that endocrine disrupting hormones are very hazardous to our health.

If you have difficult menstrual cycles, try limiting your exposure to Bisphenol A.  Stop drinking from all plastic water bottles and do not eat canned foods.  To regulate your menstrual cycle and reduce period cramps, bloating and PMS moodiness take PMS Relief Herb Pac for 3-4 days each month.  Enjoy it as any herbal tea.  

One final note, earlier this year, the FDA said that it officially agreed there might be health concerns over exposure to BPA  and announced a $30 million BPA research program.  Change doesn't come quickly at the FDA so in meantime make the change in your own life, for your own good health.

Believe It or Not, Prozac for PMS

PMS, PMDD, best herbal remedies for menstrual crampsAt first I thought it was a joke, but it's for real.  Prozac is now being touted as the latest greatest thing for PMS and PMDD.  This is the drug used for treatment of depression or obsessive-compulsive behavior.  You know, the happy pill. Sadly,  I've seen lots of people who are not happy, who take this pill.

Straight from Wikipedia (and a few other sources) re-labeling drugs is becoming a common occurrence when a prescription drug  patent is about to expire. The  manufacturer suddenly finds "new uses" for it to stem the post-patent sales decrease.    Eli Lilly's re-branding of Prozac is the latest drug to suddenly find new uses.  This time the "research" (hmm, some research at the University of Birmingham, but couldn't find anything published) says it works for the treatment of PMDD, otherwise known as  Pre-Menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). This is a dramatic form of Premenstrual syndrome.

Not to worry though, because if Prozac helps your PMDD or your PMS you only have, well minimal side-effects.  Here's the short list. 

In clinical studies, the most common side effects Prozac included:
  • Insomnia– in up to 33 percent  of people    (Great I'm dead tired from not sleeping but I'm not anxious. But I do need another drug to help me sleep, what do you recommend?)
  • Nausea — up to 29 percent
  • Weakness — up to 21 percent
  • Headache — up to 21 percent
  • Diarrhea  — up to 18 percent
  • Loss of appetite — up to 17 percent 
  • Drowsiness — up to 17 percent
  • Anxiety— up to 15 percent               (what, I thought it treats anxiety, You mean I could have a 15% chance of having more anxiety?  What's up with that?)
  • Nervousness — up to 14 percent
  • Shakiness (tremor) — up to 13 percent
  • Dry mouth — up to 12 percent 
  • Decreased sex drive — up to 11 percent 
  • Yawning — up to 11 percent
  • Indigestion — up to 10 percent
  • Dizziness — up to 9 percent
  • Sweating — up to 8 percent
  • Impotence- up to 7 percent 
  • Ejaculation problems — up to 7 percent  (probably doesn't apply to females, unless…   does this include failure to orgasm?)
Other common Prozac side effects (that occurred in at least 1 percent of people) include:
  • Flushing (redness of the skin, especially the face)
  • Abnormal dreams
  • Constipation
  • Gas
  • Vomiting
  • Fever or chills
  • Weight loss
  • Vision changes
  • Chest pain
  • High blood pressure/hypertension
  • Increased appetite and weight gain
  • Taste changes
  • Menstrual Problems  (What???  Wait a minute …. I thought you said it's for my menstrual problems??)

Lastly, let's not forget that Prozac, like all anti-depressant drugs, carry the "black box warning"  on the label.  That's the little caveat that says if you commit suicide it's not our fault because we  are telling you this drug may give you suicidal thoughts.   

If you need something for PMS or menstrual cramps and pain, we have a better answer.  You don't have to suffer and you don't have to take a drug with side-effects.  Check out all your options.  Feeling good again can happen, check out a natural alternative used for generations.  We've got it here.


Wikipedia  says:    Eli Lilly's patent on Prozac (fluoxetine) expired in the United States in August 2001, prompting an influx of generic drugs onto the market. Prozac was rebranded "Sarafem" for the treatment of PMDD in an attempt to stem the post-patent decrease in Eli Lilly's sales of fluoxetine.

Funny and Real, Rantings on “Period” Pain

menstrual cramp relief that works fast is PMS Relief Herb Pac I just love this,  it's an "actual letter", and was PC Magazine's Editors' Choice award-winner for the best letter sent via e-mail from an Austin, Texas woman sent to Proctor and Gamble regarding one of their feminine products. You have to read the whole thing, because it just gets funnier as it goes on.  Period pain, is never something any woman chooses and far too many women suffer needlessly.  We encourage you to check out our natural alternative, PMS Relief.  It really can make a difference!

  Dear Mr. Thatcher,
  I have been a loyal user of your 'Always' maxi pads for over 20 years and I appreciate
  many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core or Dri-Weave absorbency,
  I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer
  clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts.
  But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being
  the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic.
  I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little
  F-16 in my pants.
  Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? I'm guessing you haven't.
  Well, my time of the month is starting right now. As I type, I can already
  feel hormonal forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from
  now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call
  'an inbred hillbilly with knife skills.'
  Isn't the human body amazing?
  As Brand Manager in the Feminine-Hygiene Division, you've no doubt seen quite
  a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customer's monthly visits
  from 'Aunt Flo'. Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping
  we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behavior.
  You surely realize it's a tough time for most women.
  The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling
  with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants… Which brings me to the reason for my letter.
  Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside
  my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi-pad, and there, printed
  on the adhesive backing, were these words: 'Have a Happy Period.' 

  Are you kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny middle-manager
  brain really think happiness – actual smiling, laughing happiness, is possible during
  a menstrual period? Did anything
  mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James? FYI,
  unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak, there will never be anything 'happy'
  about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock
  yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed
  with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory.
  For the love of God, pull your head out, man! If you have to slap a moronic message
  on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent,
  like 'Put down the Hammer' or 'Vehicular Manslaughter is Wrong'.
  Sir, please inform your Accounting Department that, effective immediately, there
  will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take my maxi-pad business
  elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flex-Wings, I will not for one
  minute miss your brand of condescending bull. And that's a promise I will keep.
  Wendi Aarons
  Austin , TX 


Thank you Wendi,  we couldn't have said it any better.  We would love to send you some PMS Relief Herb Pac's, let us know where to send them.  Thanks for making all our days, even days on the rag,  a little brighter.

Holy Hormones – Evidence Shows How Menstrual Cramps Effect Women’s Brains

Often, menstrual pain and cramps are not taken seriously. But here at Pack Herbs we take them very seriously, as do a group of researchers at the University of Taipei.  These researchers from Taiwan have made international news.  Using highly specialized brain scanners the researchers found the anatomy of the female brain changed as a result of painful menstrual cramps.  If fact, even if women did not have cramps at the time of the brain scans, yet had experienced moderate to severe cramps on a regular basis for years, scans still showed their brains gray matter had abnormalities.  Yes, abnormalities!  This is the first documented evidence of it’s type. This research proves the monthly misery of menstrual cramps have serious lasting side effects, similar to the effects of people who deal with chronic pain issues. This research is published in the Sept. 2010 issue of PAIN.

“A long-term bombardment by peripheral pain can elicit plastic changes in the central brain as a reactive adaptation,” Hsieh explained. “It can also be a crucial mechanism that perpetuates the ‘chronification’ of pain” — that is, a mechanism that can turn pain into a lingering affliction, says  Dr. Jen-Chuen Hsieh, a professor of neuroscience at the Institute of Brain Science at National Yang-Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan, and lead researcher.  Previously, the researches found PET brain scans also showed differences in brain activity.

Menstrual cramps, or pain in the lower abdomen occur when the uterus contracts during menstruation.  Cramps are one of the most common gynecological disorder in women of childbearing age. As a woman who has been through some pretty painful menstrual cramps in my life, I found Chinese herbs can eliminate monthly suffering and I wanted to share it with others. This is the reason I gave birth to PMS Relief Herb Pack.  (Not a traditional birth, but a birthing of sorts.)

Whether you experience the moodiness, cramps, backaches, bloating, breast tenderness or all of the above, PMS Relief will work for you.  It’s packed with 14 herbs (a dried powder extraction) which has been used through-out Asia for centuries.  Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, our herbal blend of Chinese herbs (not Western herbs) is nothing like what’s been on the American market before.  One packet mixed in water is all you need to start feeling the immediate relief.   Most women use a packet the day before their cycle starts and then a packet or two on their worst cramping days. Did I mention it’s all natural herbs, nothing artificial added and it taste good too.   

Do your brain and your body a favor and give PMS Relief a try.  There is really no reason to suffer any longer. Chinese herbs have the longest continual use history of any medicine on earth. What are you waiting for, an abnormal brain to develop?

Connect to a Australian study:  549 women had documented results on the severity of PMS using Chinese herbs. By restoring the imbalance in the reproductive system, Chinese herbal medicine can prevent monthly menstrual cramps, depression, PMS, and abdominal pain.

Read the abstract here:




Women Speak Loud and Clear, They Want and Need PMS Relief

Yesterday, I was talking with a buyer for a large chain health food store who emphatically told me that he has been in the natural products business for 20 years and there has never been a need for a woman’s menstrual pain, cramp and PMS relief product.

For about a full second, and no more than that,  I acknowledged that this individual is highly intelligent and certainly knows much about the natural supplement business.  But, it took no more than a second for my mind to say “Are you crazy?”   Granted he’s not a woman and obviously has not spent enough time around women, and maybe  he’s simply making excuses to get me off his back about adding my products to his store.  Whatever it is, he couldn’t be more  wrong about what women need. 

I went to a woman’s networking event last night with women of all ages.  None of the women I met  knew anything about my products. I  talked with at least 20 different women.  Every single woman who I introduced my product to said, “I need that, or my daughter needs that, or my friend needs that.” My conclusion:  This buyer needs to spend a little time in the real world with real women.

Speak up real women and tell the buyers at your favorite health food stores you need a product like PMS Relief Herb Pack. Watch some of our video testimonials of what real women say about our products.  If you would like a free sample, drop us a email and we will promptly send you a couple packets to try.   You too will be a believer in what Asian cultures have known for centuries.  Herbs are medicine and botanicals in the right combination can eliminate both  PMS and menstrual symptoms such as cramps, bloating, breast tenderness and backaches.  It is possible to have pain free periods.

Natural Alternatives to Birth Control Pills for PMS

Natural remedies to PMS and period crampsMany young women are looking for a natural alternative to birth control pills for the PMS and cramps they get each month.  Chinese herbs are very effective at controlling and eliminating PMS (premenstrual syndrome).  The birth control pill is an option many women choose because they are not familiar with Chinese herbal medicine.

The approach I take is very different than the way progesterone and estrogen therapy found in the “Pill”.  Chinese Medicine can treat PMS and cramps successfully without artificial hormones.

Chinese Medicine recognizes that the liver is an organ that not just cleans blood but also moves blood.  When the liver is overly taxed by stress, lack of sleep, drugs or accumulation of chemicals (including hormones found in our food supply) the liver energy can become stagnate.   This stagnation effects the breasts, the uterus and eventually all the channels of the body because the liver cannot effectively perform it’s functions.

PMS results because the liver energy and the liver blood are not moving.  Breast tenderness occurs because the liver channel energy runs through the breast area and up to the head which may also result in headaches.  If the liver is given an opportunity to “detoxify” this can help move the liver Qi or energy.

Chinese herbs treat this stagnation with herbs that help move the blood, help normalize hormones and herbs that help reduce the liver Qi stagnation.   By moving the liver energy, the emotional component of PMS such as moodiness and irritability are resolved. This may seem foreign to Americans, but is a common practice of the Chinese.

Chinese herbal formulas for PMS symptoms date back to over 1000 years ago.  This is a remarkable testament to their popularity and to their success. We have many modern day clinical studies that  have been done on Chinese herbs for PMS, click here to read about the largest one conducted on over 3000 women.

Herbal remedies are safe and can provide complete cures for menstrual symptoms.  Symptoms will reduce immediatly and often resolve completely within a few months. A formula used by many women in China is call Jia Wei Xiao Yao San. Today it is found in every drug store in pill form or individual herbal packets throughout Asia.   Many people in China prefer the packets because it’s potency is much stronger than pills.  We don’t yet have these herbs in every drug store in America, but we are sure the American drug stores will catch on soon.  For our favorite PMS Relief product go here.

Bitter Melon to Ward Off Breast Cancer Cells

What vegetable is green, oblong, with the skin of a toad and the name of a fruit? The answer is bitter melon,  a tropical native popular in  South Asia and India.  Most Westerners would cringe at the taste. But it’s time it start showing up in American diets now that a new study from The Journal of Cancer Research, (March 1 issue) indicates  bitter  melon may also ward off breast cancer.

Bitter melon has been used in Traditional Chinese herbal Medicine for ages.  This study, published by the American Association of Cancer Research and conducted in St. Louis MO,  showed this Chinese herb has an ability to slow the growth and in some cases kill breast cancer cells.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women in the U.S.  It’s time prevention, not just research for a cure, be emphasized, including dietary changes to effectively stop the spread of this deadly cancer.

Chinese herbal medicine commonly uses bitter melon for the treatment of diabetes.  It is naturally high in Vitamin C, calcium, has twice the potassium of  bananas, twice the beta carotene of  broccoli and is fiber and B vitamin rich. Now we should add breast cancer prevention to the list of what this incredible, edible, Chinese herb can do.

This Chinese herbs preventative properties need to be publicized.  Prevention is not only more cost effective, it is the solution to all our health challenges as we age.   Staying healthy and happy is a health goal we all share.  Find some bitter melon today and eat your way to good health.

Link to the study here


Another  study  just published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported having a double mastectomy, or removing an otherwise healthy breast to prevent breast cancer from occurring in  healthy tissue had no added benefit.  This was a population study conducted by MD Anderson in Houston TX.  Surgery as a prevention against breast cancer had no measurable benefit.

Connect to this study here