How Preventable is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer awareness means different things to different people.

But let’s get real.  Breast cancer, like all cancers are better prevented than cured. I think we can all agree we would rather NOT get cancer during our life time. But the reality is, many don’t feel we have a say in the ‘Dis-Ease’ process.

We get handed illness – we don’t choose illness.

Can we hand ourselves HEALTH?   I believe we can!

Prevention is the cure!  Every day, we can give ourselves health.  In the foods we eat, the thoughts we focus on and the life we create.

So, how Preventable is Breast Cancer?

Continue reading “How Preventable is Breast Cancer?”

Hormone Use Increases Breast Cancer Risk

Newly released research sugherbs for menopausegests that the long-term use of any type of hormones (this includes the birth control pill) can increase the risk of breast cancer. Women taking  long-term hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause symptoms are at an even greater risk. 

Research has already shown that taking birth control pills with combined estrogen and progestin, the most common type, can increase breast cancer risk.


The outcome from this new study states any type of hormones (i.e. birth control pills, HRT ) after many years of use, results in cancer.


This new study tracked the health of over 100,000 registered nurses and found that use of any kind of hormones for 10 years (or more) raised the chances of developing breast cancer. "There's a continued increase in risk with longer durations of use and there does not appear to be a plateau," said study leader Dr. Wendy Chen of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.


There are natural and safe answers to menopausal hot flashes, night sweats and other menopause symptoms.Traditional Chinese herbal medicine has been used for generations of women to elliminate the uncomfortable symptoms on menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats. See our Menopause Relief Herb Pack here.



The hormone picture has been confusing and now doctors say women should use the lowest dose needed for the shortest time possible.

– Estrogen use with progesterone for 10 to 14.9 years had an 88% higher incidence of breast cancer

– Estrogen use with progesterone for 15 to 19.9 years had an increase risk of “more than twofold”

– Estrogen use alone for 10 to 14.9 years had a 22% increased risk of breast cancer

– Estrogen alone for 15 to 19.9 years had a 43% increased risk of breast cancer

"It's hard to be surprised that if you keep taking it, sooner or later it's going to raise risk," said Dr. Robert Clarke of Georgetown University's Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.



American Association for Cancer Research –

See study here:{2D8C569E-B72C-4E7D-AB3B-070BEC7EB280}

Dandelion For Breast Cancer

News from the University of New Mexico, the lowly dandelion has been shown effective at fighting breast cancer and prostate cancer. Used for centuries in Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine the dandelion plant has been used for many aliments.


"The study demonstrates a number of of previously unknown effects of Taraxacum officinale on human cancer cells and suggests that TO (dandelion) extracts or individual components present in the extracts may be of value as novel anti-cancer agents"1


The medicinial benefits from dandelion in this study are attributed to one specific Taraxacum species extract so don't assume the dandelion you buy at your local farmers market or that growing in the lawn will have the same health benefits.


We know that plants and herbs all play a significant role in the discovery of new medicines particularly in the area of cancer research. In Traditional Chinese Medicine  (TCM) dandelion is used to clear heat, especially liver heat with red, swollen, painful eyes.  Dandelion also goes by the name Pu gong ying and has been known to dissipate nodules and reduce abscesses in the breast and promote lactation when lack is due to heat.  Pu gong ying has been used in treating breast cancer in TCM for many years and this study confirms why dandelion is a one of the most useful herbs for breast cancer patients.




Evaluation of aqueous extracts of Taraxacum officinale on growth and invasion of breast and prostate cancer cells    SOPHIA C. SIGSTEDT1, CARLA J. HOOTEN1, MANIKA C. CALLEWAERT1, AARON R. JENKINS1,ANNTHERESE E. ROMERO1, MICHAEL J. PULLIN2, ALEXANDER KORNIENKO3,TIMOTHY K. LOWREY4, SEVERINE VAN SLAMBROUCK1* and WIM F.A. STEELANT1*


Laboratories of 1Biochemical and Biomedical Research, 2Aqueous Environmental Chemistry, and 3Synthetic Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM; 4UNM Herbarium, Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA   Received December 4, 2007; Accepted January 25, 2008


Breast Cancer Prevention Could Be In Green Tea

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month:


Can green tea help reduce the risk factors for breast cancer?  A study recently published in Molecular Food & Nutrition Research examined the relationship between the consumption of green tea and breast cancer.  Green tea has been associated with lowering circulating estrogen levels and may be one of the many mechanisms to reduce cancer risks. Green tea is just one of hundreds of herbal remedies used in Chinese medicine and as part of a healthy lifestyle through out Asia.  Interestingly, Asian women have the lowest incident of breast cancer in the world.


Green tea has been evaluated for it's protective factors in connection with cancer in many studies. Tea polyphenols have been shown to prevent the binding of estrogen to its receptors in breast cancer cells. Green tea is rich in tea catechins―epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin (EC), and epicatechin gallate (ECG)―which possess cancer chemoprotective attributes. EGCG also has exhibited steroid hormone activities, which may influence breast cancer risk through hormonally mediated pathways. 


In addition, two Japanese studies suggested that  women with stage I and stage II breast cancer who  drank 4 oz of green tea daily had lower risk of recurrence of breast cancer.


Even though the evidence is inconclusive for many women who are at high risk for breast cancer drinking a cup of green tea each day is one simple, inexpensive option.   Changing life styles to prevent breast cancer is clearly one answers all of us should consider. Green tea has so many other benefits, why not add it to your diet?


Another option.. Check into DIM!


Wu AH, Butler LM. Green tea and breast cancer. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2011 Jun;55(6):921-930.

Chinese Herbs and Self Breast Massage for Breast Health

prevent breast lumps with self love, self massage and herbsBreast tissue is made up of fat cells which include mammary glands, ducts, lobes and adjacent lymph ducts and nodes.  Keeping this tissue just as healthy as any other body part and be done easily with self massage and herbs to move the flow of qi, or energy in this tissue.

Many well known herbs such a ginseng and astragulus are beneficial at moving qi, but did you know there are also some very good herbs which can specifically help with benign breast pain?   Many breast lumps are small and movable and may be more pronounced during menstruation as a result of fluctuations in hormones.  Traditional Chinese medicine treats these as stagnant qi, or stagnant energy that has been blocked.   There is a terrific protocol for self breast massage at  Do this massage at least once a week or as needed when you have minor pain in the surrounding lymph nodes in the armpit and breast area.  This is a free and easy way to promote self breast health.  Just as brushing and flossing becomes routine so should self breast massage.

In addition to massaging the breast tissue,  combination of Chinese herbs has been used successfully throughout Asia for hundreds of years for breast problems.  Herbal formulas can help relieve the stagnation and stress that may accumulate in the chest.  Herbs such as tangerine peel, bupleurum, white peony and vaccaria seeds create a synergy of actions that help move the stagnate Qi in the chest.  Vaccaria seeds are especially good at helping invigorate the blood and reduce pain and swellings in the breasts. These seeds alone are also very good at promoting lactation, but only for women who are already lactating.  Creating breast health should be a priority in every women’s life.  It’s time for a shift from a fear based breast cancer model to one of self love and breast health.  Being proactive is up to you. 

The Best Foods and Herbs For Fighting Breast Cancer

Best Food and Herbs to Help Your Breast Cancer FightSince October is Breast Cancer Awareness month I wanted to post a few tips on the best foods and herbs for breast cancer patients.  Really everyone should eat the foods on this list.  But if you or a friend are in the midst of this horrible disease the Chinese herbs mentioned may be especially beneficial.  Celeb’s like Sheryl Crow used diet, herbs and acupuncture during her bout with breast cancer, and much was written about simply because of her celebrity status.  Why it takes a celeb to bring this info front and center I’m not sure.

Preventing cancer in the first place should be our goal, so incorporating these foods and herbs into your daily diet is always a good idea.

The Best Herbs for Breast Cancer

Herbs for breast cancer often includes herbs that help relieve symptoms associated with radiation and chemotherapy treatments. These symptoms include nausea, vomiting, mucositis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract), and fatigue.

An important review by the internationally known Cochran Library included 542 breast cancer patients undergoing or having recently undergone chemotherapy.  The seven studies they reviewed  found that Chinese herbs offer relief of symptoms and enhance the immune system. “The results suggest that using Chinese herbs in conjunction with chemotherapy or Chinese medicinal herbs alone may be beneficial in terms of improvement in marrow suppression and immune system, and may improve overall state of quality of life”

Ginger is the main Chinese herb recommended to relieve nausea. Some herbs are used because they are known to have some anti-cancer properties. These include red clover, ashwagandha and curcumin.  

The Best Foods for Breast Cancer

Broccoli sprouts and other members of the Brassica family such as kale, chard, turnips and bok choy have been found to be beneficial foods for breast cancer patients.  Flax seed is an absolute must.   Flax is a great source of alphalinolenic acid, which is an essential omega-3 fatty acid found in plants and has essentially the best anti-cancer properties.  Chia seeds are a great source of fiber and omega-3s.

Don’t forget tomatoes.  They are high in lycopene, a proven cancer prevention compound according to the Univ. of Michigan. Lycopene is an antioxidant that is structurally similar to beta-carotene.

Dark leafy vegetables (dandelion greens, spinach, swiss chard, mustard greens, argula)  and yellow orange fruits (papaya, mango) are good natural sources of beta carotene.  Beta-carotene is also called pro-vitamin A is a proven cancer fighter.

Eat well and be well!