A Story on The After Birth, How Valuable Is A Human Placenta?

Add some chinese herbs to your placenta and you have a nutritious feast.Ok,  this topic makes some heads turn.  I’m sitting at Starbucks talking about my friend who had her placenta cooked and dried and put into capsules after the birth of her baby.   My Starbucks neighbor started giving me strange looks.  Is it just me or if you’re going to eaves drop, is it polite to then give the person a crazy look?  I would have engage the fellow eaves dropper in a friendly conversation on the subject but he split after he heard this story.

So, here is the story.  In China and other parts of the world, the human placenta is considered a valuable source of  nutrients.  The placenta is that which feeds the baby during pregnancy and is otherwise known as “The After-Birth” because it is expelled from the uterus after a birth.  The first Emperor of China used human placenta with Chinese herbs for health reasons some 2200 years ago and it has been used and documented in various culture every since.  

Granted, most of us are not familiar with this concept and understandably it can turn some people’s stomachs. The topic came about because of this article in a Chinese newspaper about the selling of human placentas at some smaller Chinese hospitals. Of course, this is actually illegal. They have the same laws in China regarding the ownership of the placenta as we do here.  The mother is the legal owner but she usually gives up her right to it and in that case the hospital should dispose of  it as medical waste.   Well, entrepreneurs are everywhere and when opportunity knocks, they answer.  In China  some unscrupulous types were buying placentas cheap at various hospitals and selling them for profit, and apparently business is good, there is both a supply and a demand.

In America, some mothers do return home with their placenta’s in a cooler.  Some bury it in the yard for religious reasons other will have a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist (there really is such a profession) come to their house, cook it with Chinese herbs and pack it into capsules to supplement the new mothers health.

The preparation work and cooking of the placenta is quite a detailed process and should only be attempted by someone who has the proper training and knowledge.  Cooking the placenta with Chinese herbs is said to improve the blood building and is considered a powerful yang tonic.  The placenta is full of natural oxytocins which are responsible for contracting the uterus, enhancing milk supply, increasing energy and the hormones it contains most probably help with postpartum depression.  Historically Chinese Medicine has used human placenta for those who have low energy.

For you expectant mothers, I happen to know Sara Pereira in Los Angeles who is qualified specialist in placenta cooking with Chinese herbs.  You can reach her at mommyfeelgood.com, I definitely recommend it!

Another blog on the topic of human placenta, Tom Cruise on Oprah talked about eating Katie’s placenta.

Tom Cruise Wants To Eat Placenta, Mixed with Chinese Herbs

EatinPlacenta encapsulationg the human placenta has gone Hollywood. Oprah loves to discuss alternatives to non-conventional medicine. Tom Cruise was planning on eating Katie’s placenta.  Chinese Herbal Medicine encourages the mother to ingest the placenta. Other mammals do it.  Why shouldn’t we? If you know someone who’s pregnant the concept of having the baby’s placenta prepared and taken in capsule form can bring a huge boost to the new mother as she recuperates from nine months of gestation. Maybe it will just become the hottest new baby gift, for mom?  Add some Chinese herbs to boost milk production and both mother and baby are on the way to good health. Check out our article: Eating the Afterbirth, a Chinese Medical Tradition.

Eating the Afterbirth – Placenta Is A Chinese Medicine Tradition

cooking placentaThis blog, about the human placenta may sound “out there”, but more and more women are now calling “a placenta cooking lady” to prepare their placenta into pills to take after child birth. The placenta is attached to the fetus via the umbilical cord.  Once the baby is born the placenta and cord are considered medical waste (so we are told) at the hospital. We’ve known for some time the umbilical cord is a source of stem cell research and many wealthy parents now have the cord frozen and stored just in case it is needed in the future. 

Recently, this trend is gaining popularity in the West. However, its been widely known and accepted that the human placenta has tremendous value in the East. Chinese Medicine has used  human placenta as part of their materica medica for generations.  Ingesting your placenta can help a new mother recuperate from childbirth and rebuild lost blood and nutrients.

You can have your placenta cooked, dried and placed into pills to supplement your child birth recovery.  Those that have used placenta pills after birth swear they have a shorter recovery from postpartum hemorrhaging, more energy from replenished nutrients, increased milk production and no post-partum depression. In fact, a good friend of mine recently gave birth and she has just finished taking her placenta pills.  This was the first time she had placenta prepared into pills and she reported feeling great and said it was a little like a caffeine type energy boost without the caffeine.  She had an extremely easy recovery overall and this was her sixth child.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, placenta is considered a powerful and sacred yang tonic.  Traditionally, the placenta is cooked with herbs and wine.  Wine in Chinese medicine has a dispersing action and therefore helps to distribute the placentas nutrients throughout the women’s body.  The placenta is full of natural oxytocins which are responsible for contracting the uterus, it also contains  hormones which are believed to be the reason it helps with postpartum depression.  Historically Chinese Medicine has used human placenta for those who have low energy.  Interestingly, it is the only meat that comes from life, not death, and we are the only mammals that do eat their placentas.  Maybe the animal kingdom has something to teach us.