OTC Tylenol Dosage Lowered to Prevent Liver Damage

If you use Tylenol for PMS Relief , menstrual cramps, backaches. headaches or any other pain you need to know why Tylenol maker Johnson & Johnson such lowered the maximum recommended dosage.   You should rethink why how much you use and how often. 

Just because Tylenol is over-the-counter does not necessarily mean it’s safe.

In an effort to reduce the risk of liver damage resulting from overuse of acetaminophen — the active ingredient in Tylenol — the drug maker’s McNeil division will soon cap the product’s daily dose recommendation at 3,000 milligrams (a total of six 500-milligram pills a day) instead of the current 4,000 (eight pills a day).


Some experts say they also worry about overuse of other medications that consumers can purchase off pharmacy shelves without a prescription, such as the pain reliever ibuprofen, Theraflu for colds, and the antihistamine Benadryl.

“It’s important for the public to realize all drugs have side effects. It doesn’t matter if they’re prescription, over-the-counter, herbals or nutritional supplements. If they have active ingredients, they have side effects and can interfere with normal body functions,” says Brian Strom, director of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

He says Tylenol is an “extraordinarily” safe drug at proper doses, even though its overuse is a leading cause for liver transplants in patients with acute liver failure. But, he says, “It has a narrow therapeutic ratio. The toxic dose and the therapeutic dose are very close.”

Commonly used over-the-counter medications may carry risks, say experts.

Acetaminophen (Extra Strength Tylenol). For headaches, joint and muscle pain, fever.
Overuse risks: Liver damage or failure. May cause liver problems at lower doses in alcohol users, or in those who take other drugs containing acetaminophen.

Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Reduces pain and swelling related to arthritis. Relieves headache, fever, menstrual cramps.
Overuse risks: Gastrointestinal pain, bleeding. Kidney damage.

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), antihistamine used to prevent, reduce hayfever and other allergy symptoms.
Overuse risks: Memory loss and disorientation, especially in elderly. Drowsiness, dryness.

Loratadine (Claritin), antihistimine used to relieve hayfever, other allergy symptoms.
Overuse risks: Sleepiness, fast heart rate. May lose effectiveness over time. Claritin-D includes an additional active ingredient, pseudoephedrine sulfate, which may cause insomnia or restlessness. Pseudoephedrine should not to be taken with certain medications for Parkinsons, depression, psychiatric or other emotional conditions.

Dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant, and Doxylamine succinate, an antihistamine (NyQuil Cough).
Overuse risks: Can cause drowsiness, especially when mixed with sleeping medications and alcohol. Not to be taken with certain medications for Parkinsons, depression, psychiatric or other emotional conditions.

Ranitidine (Zantac), an acid reducer, treats ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Overuse risks: May lose effectiveness over time. Long-term acid suppressor use could lead to poor absorption of some forms of calcium.

For menstrual cramps and period pain try our PMS Relief Herb Pack.  We guarantee pain relief in 30 minutes or less.  It’s also great for the irritability and moodiness that often accompany your monthly menstrual cycle.

Sources: Brian Strom, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania; Winston Parris, Duke University Medical Center; Lisa McDevitt, Tufts Medical Center; Sarah Anderson, University of Colorado School of Pharmacy; Ausim Azizi, Temple University School of Medicine.




For more information on OTC pain killers see my Huff post article:  Pain Relief without Pain Killers

Holy Hormones – Evidence Shows How Menstrual Cramps Effect Women’s Brains

Often, menstrual pain and cramps are not taken seriously. But here at Pack Herbs we take them very seriously, as do a group of researchers at the University of Taipei.  These researchers from Taiwan have made international news.  Using highly specialized brain scanners the researchers found the anatomy of the female brain changed as a result of painful menstrual cramps.  If fact, even if women did not have cramps at the time of the brain scans, yet had experienced moderate to severe cramps on a regular basis for years, scans still showed their brains gray matter had abnormalities.  Yes, abnormalities!  This is the first documented evidence of it’s type. This research proves the monthly misery of menstrual cramps have serious lasting side effects, similar to the effects of people who deal with chronic pain issues. This research is published in the Sept. 2010 issue of PAIN.

“A long-term bombardment by peripheral pain can elicit plastic changes in the central brain as a reactive adaptation,” Hsieh explained. “It can also be a crucial mechanism that perpetuates the ‘chronification’ of pain” — that is, a mechanism that can turn pain into a lingering affliction, says  Dr. Jen-Chuen Hsieh, a professor of neuroscience at the Institute of Brain Science at National Yang-Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan, and lead researcher.  Previously, the researches found PET brain scans also showed differences in brain activity.

Menstrual cramps, or pain in the lower abdomen occur when the uterus contracts during menstruation.  Cramps are one of the most common gynecological disorder in women of childbearing age. As a woman who has been through some pretty painful menstrual cramps in my life, I found Chinese herbs can eliminate monthly suffering and I wanted to share it with others. This is the reason I gave birth to PMS Relief Herb Pack.  (Not a traditional birth, but a birthing of sorts.)

Whether you experience the moodiness, cramps, backaches, bloating, breast tenderness or all of the above, PMS Relief will work for you.  It’s packed with 14 herbs (a dried powder extraction) which has been used through-out Asia for centuries.  Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, our herbal blend of Chinese herbs (not Western herbs) is nothing like what’s been on the American market before.  One packet mixed in water is all you need to start feeling the immediate relief.   Most women use a packet the day before their cycle starts and then a packet or two on their worst cramping days. Did I mention it’s all natural herbs, nothing artificial added and it taste good too.   

Do your brain and your body a favor and give PMS Relief a try.  There is really no reason to suffer any longer. Chinese herbs have the longest continual use history of any medicine on earth. What are you waiting for, an abnormal brain to develop?

Connect to a Australian study:  549 women had documented results on the severity of PMS using Chinese herbs. By restoring the imbalance in the reproductive system, Chinese herbal medicine can prevent monthly menstrual cramps, depression, PMS, and abdominal pain.

Read the abstract here: http://www.painjournalonline.com/article/S0304-3959(10)00329-5/abstract




Dang Gui, An Ancient Herb for Modern PMS

Chinese herb dang gui Mood swings. Depression. Irritability. Crying. Anger. Bloating. Breast tenderness. Fatigue. Insomnia. Painful menstrual cramps. Most likely you are one of the 90% of women that experiences Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). And of that, 30-40% of you will have to rearrange your daily lives in order to maintain the proper self-care needed to manage these symptoms. Approximately every 28 days the body repeats this beautiful, life-affirming, and natural cycle. 

However,  if you are one of the millions of women who experience PMS, you may find yourself wondering what is ‘natural’ about your experience.  For most, these symptoms color every moment of those 5 – 7 days, including the week prior to the beginning of menstruation. This means that for 14 days out of every given month, you are feeling less than yourself. For thousands of years, practitioners of Chinese Herbal Medicine have been treating symptoms of PMS naturally. So in this modern world, where many of the solutions for relief involve harsh chemicals with potentially unpleasant side effects, returning to roots/plants is natural.  Dang gui is prescribed in Asia for almost every gynecological complaint, from regulating the menstrual cycle to treating menopausal symptoms caused by hormonal changes.

Dong quai produces a balancing effect on estrogen activity. In Chinese herbal medicine it's a welcome change in restoring the unique rhythms and cycles of a woman’s body.  This herb has earned a reputation among practitioners as the ‘ultimate’ herb for women. In China it is widely used, in combination with other herbs, as a daily tonic for women.   It is prescribed for almost every gynecological complaint, from regulating the menstrual cycle to treating menopausal symptoms caused by hormonal changes. Dong quai seems to have an adaptogenic effect on estrogen activity. This means it adapts to what your body needs at the moment.

Found in moist meadows, alongside of riverbanks, and in mountain ravines, the root of Dang Gui (pronounced ‘dahng gway’) resembles carved ivory, while the leaves resemble those of carrots, celery, or parsley. From May to August, honey-scented, greenish-white flowers bloom in flat-topped clusters. True to the serene environment in which it grows, it helps to relax the smooth muscle of the uterus and provides a mild sedative effect. It is able to do this because it contains chemicals that mimic the effects of estrogen on the body, restraining and supplementing the production of estrogen as needed.

As Chinese Herbal Medicine gains further acceptance in the United States, the doors of research are opening as well. A study by the international nonprofit organization, the Cochrane Collaboration, found that Chinese Herbal Medicine for primary dysmenorrhea roughly doubled pain relief and improvement in overall symptoms when compared with conventional Western pharmaceuticals. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dang Gui is  known to treat many types of gynecological problems, fatigue, anemia, and high blood pressure. It is the only non-animal source of Vitamin B12, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, and sedative properties, and is also used as an aphrodisiac.   It is high in iron content and helps to prevent iron deficiency and anemia.  It is truly the ultimate all purpose tonic herb for women.

This article is designed to provided the reader with clinical research results and the potential benefits and or risks associated with CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicines). The author advocates neither for or against any particular therapy and recommends individuals speak with licensed medicial practitioners before using any Chinese herbal supplements or other health supplements.