Chinese New Year Sale

Happy Chinese New

Year Everybody!!

Chinese herbs Congratulations on arriving at

the year of the Yang Horse! 

It’s going to be a wild ride..



To start it off with a bang

Pacific Herbs is offering 




Friday Jan 31 – Sunday Feb 2, 2104 


Use Coupon code: 14newyear


Connect to our store here


Beginning Feb 3rd we will have some modest price

increases due to raw material cost and production costs.

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P.S.  If you heard about Corydalis on Dr. Oz, YES we have it and Corydalis is also in our PMS Relief Herb Pack. 


Sorry about any duplicates.  To remove yourself from our list please use this link:




Boost Your Immune System With A Pet

Not that we needed another great reason to get a pet, but this reason rocks! Now we have research that shows dogs and cats help build healthy bacteria in your gut which builds a healthy immune system and protects you from allergies. Wow, go adopt a pet now if you don’t already have at least one.


The latest research shows how it works. Turns out it all starts in your gut, also know as our digestive system. No surprise, the gut has been labeled in recent years your second brain and the hub of your immune system.


In a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, mice exposed to dust from homes with dogs were protected against allergens known to trigger asthma. This dog-associated dust enriches the variety of gut bacteria in the mice with Lactobacillus johnsonii, a type of bacteria that protects the airway against allergens and infection by beefing up mucous membrane immunity. Cats have been found helpful too. The earlier in life your body is exposed the stronger your immune system becomes.


“In our previous research, we demonstrated that homes with indoor/outdoor cats also exhibited a more diverse house dust microbiome,” says study author Susan Lynch, PhD, associate professor of medicine at the University of California in San Francisco.


Many folks find it difficult or stressful to own a pet.  A natural solution to keeping pets calm and stress free is a new product from Pacific Herbs called Natural Pet Calm Herb Pack and can be found online at


Reference: KE Fujimura et al. House dust exposure mediates gut microbiome Lactobacillus enrichment and airway immune defense against allergens and virus infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1310750111 (2013).

A New Chinese Herb For Breast Cancer Chemotherapy

Recent research has isolated a compound from the Chinese herb called Dichroa febrifuga or Chang Shan, we in a laboratory setting has been used successfully to treat breast cancer cells.   The study lead researcher Mei Ling Jin show the compound known as halofuginone caused the breast cancer cells to die and inhibited the growth of  new cancer cells.   

The results of the study mean halofuginone is a very promising chemotherapy for breast cancer patients. 

The study was published in the International Journal of Oncology.

Reference:  Halofuginone induces the apoptosis of breast cancer cells and inhibits migration via down regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9. Mei Ling Jin, Sun Young Park, Young Hun Kim, Geuntae Park, Sang Joon Lee Department of Microbiology, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Republic of Korea. International Journal of Oncology (Impact Factor: 2.66). 10/2013; DOI:10.3892/ijo.2013.2157 Source: PubMed